a hurricane

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Shawn Mendes Imagines

(A/N : don't comment " oh shAne woUld nEvur dU thuS !!" just go along he's an asshole in this)


"shawn"  I whisper yell throwing tiny pebbles at his window.

soon the his window opened and his little head peaked out.

"what do you want at 4 in the fucking morning?" he says, obviously angry.

my insomnia has gotten to me, he's all I have left.

"I can't sleep." I say, looking down, ashamed.

"ugh whatever come in." he says throwing down the rope ladder we use. I climb up, happy he invited me in this time.

this time.

I get in, seeing him already in bed, on his side, his back to me.

"goodnight." I say wrapping my arms around him. I feel him push my arms away and scooching away from me.

"shut up I'm trying to sleep." he says bitterly.

and just like that. from hundred miles to asleep in a nanosecond. I wanted so badly to rap my arms around him one more time to feel his warmth and just finally get rid of my insomnia and sleep with him. not fuck in those movies. not even have sex. just sleep together. in the most innocent sense of the phrase. but I lacked the courage because he hated me and I am ugly as shit and he's gorgeous and I was hopelessly messed up and he was perfect. I finally fell asleep thinking, that if people were rain, I was a drizzle and she was a hurricane.

lol hi

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