Give Me Love pt.2

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Shawn Mendes Imagines

1 month later

"Bella! Why are you still moping around? It's been a month! What is wrong with you?!" Erika asks me as she hands me a 10th box of tissues as I wiped my tears.

"I just- I knew I had a chance, I felt it in my gut! You know how my gut is always right." I say looking up to her.

"I know, I know" she rambled as she grabbed her phone and texted someone virgerously

(is that even a word? I don't know anymore)

"Who are you texting?" I ask her.



I hear my phone buzz as I was walking over to it, I grab it and see it's a text from Erika... Weird.

Erika : dude Bella's a wreck without you! Why did you have to have sex with Camila in the car while you were gonna get lunch with Bella?

Shawn : what are you talking about? I took Camila to the car so I can break up with her!

Erika : Ai nako

I didn't reply, exiting the messaging app and went to call Bella, I need to clear things with her.


It ringed 10 times, where is she?


The truth is, I liked Shawn too.

Bella, Shawn and I were all best friends.

Bella told me about her crush and I knew I wasn't gonna have a chance. Not in a million years.

I mean, she has the most beautiful smile and the cutest nose, based on what Shawn said. But what makes me the most confused is, why Shawn went for Camila. He told me he liked Bella too so I don't get it.

Maybe he's trying to get over her.


"BELLA BELLA BELLA BELLA" Erika screams as she runs over to me.

"Yes?" I reply calmly.


"1, stop screaming 2, you're lying." I tell her as she calms down, catching her breath.

"I'm not lying I swear! See look! We were texting!" She yells a little quieter as she hands me her phone.

Erika : dude Bella's a wreck without you! Why did you have to have sex with Camila in the car while you were gonna get lunch with Bella?

Shawn : what are you talking about? I took Camila to the car so I can break up with her!

Erika : Ai nako

"Why did you have to say Ai nako?" I chuckle

"I was surprised okay" she says as she laughs too.

I have to see Shawn.


I walk up shawns door to our old apartment and knock on the door.

I hear him run to the door and breath in.

He opens the door and finally sees me. He gasps and grabs me.

"Bella! I missed you! I'm so sorry I led you on and said I would date you after laur, I'm such an ass, I'm sorry!"

"Shawn, it's all ok, it doesn't matter what you did in the past, you're ok now.." I tell him calmly.

"Bella, would you go on a date with me?" He asks me as he takes my hand.

"Yes!" I exclaim as he picks me up and spins me around.



k bye


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