body guard

992 38 4

Shawn Mendes Imagines

(a/n - lowercase intended !! and do not yell at me if shawn is a fuckboi bc he is !!!)


"Shawn, your body guard just quit." andrew hung up the phone, sitting next to me

"why?" I bluntly ask.

"he said you were being a brat, shawn, you can't keep doing this!" andrew snapped.

"andrew I do what I want! why can't you just get another body guard?!" I snap back.

"okay, fine." he calmed down, walking out of the bus.

jeez, what's his deal? that body guard was rude, and annoying anyways, I'm glad he quit.

next day

"shawn?" andrew knocked on my bunk.

"what?!" I scramble out if the bunk, clenching my teeth.

"this is your new body guard, y/n." he said softly, bringing a small girl.

"how can she protect me? she's smaller than I am." I smirk.

"test her." andrew steps aside.

I accepted, y/n stepping forward. I go in for a punch, her hand stops my hand, twisting it, and bringing me to the floor.

"black belt in karate, taekwondo, (note - thank you @halsey_martinez for correcting me !!) and top of my boxing class." y/n crosses her arms.

I look at andrew, laughing his little ass off, as y/n brushed herself off.

"so where are we going!" she perked up.

dear god, help me.


Andrew, y/n, and the stage crew, were on the bus, hanging out before arriving at our next stop.

our bus came to a harsh halt, a strange man in a black hoodie and black pants quickly got on the bus.

y/n immediately jumped in front of me as the man came close to me.

I sighed, pushing her out of the way, getting ready to punch the man in front of me.

he quickly put me in a headlock, pulling out a knife.

"Andrew has done things to me, I do things to him." the knife getting closer to my neck, my screams getting louder.

a leg came out of no where, kicking the man in the face, catching him off guard. he scrambles up, causing y/n to kick his legs making him fall to the ground, and pass out.

"t-thank you." I hugged y/n.

"you saved my life." I hugged tighter.

"and you saved mine." she hugged me back.

this is hELLLLLLA bad

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