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Shawn Mendes Imagine


Caligynephobia, otherwise known as Venustraphobia or simply Gynephobia, is the abnormal fear of beautiful women. Sure, many men can become intimidated by gorgeous girls, and men are not the only ones who suffer from this phobia, but this condition takes intimidation to the extreme.



I was in Tim Hortons, in the line to get a muffin and coffee like I always do, all the same people that come here everyday but in front of me was a girl that was never there before. She was singing hideaway by daya and my phobia started to kick in.

As you can see I have Caligynphobia.


My breathing increased and I started to see black and white dots appear in my vision on how beautiful she was, there was a mirror in front of her and she had the most gorgeous facial features and the prettiest voice too.

I bent down to catch my breath and she turned around to look at me since she probably heard my breathing increase.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay? Do you need help?" The girl asks me. Wow, she doesn't even takes gods name in vain,

"I'm - fine" I manage to say between breaths.

"Here, deep breaths.." She says patting my breath and breathing in heavily with me.

I finally calmed down and looked at her.

She was wearing no make up, sweat pants and a t shirt that had the old fall out boy on it.

"I'm really sorry about that, I have Caligynephobia," I mumble.

"Caligynephobia?" She asks as she pulls out her phone.

After looking down at her phone she looked up to me.

" Would you like to get dinner with me tonight? "  She asked me

"Yes!" I exclaimed.

"I mean *clears throat* sure, I guess" I say whil looking behind her.

She giggles and blushes, she rips out a paper from her bag and writes on it.

"I'll see you tonight!" She says sheepishly.

I looked at the paper,

(123-456-7890)  My names Y/N! Text me :) xxx

I guess it Caligynphobia isn't that bad.


k bye


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