back when we were young

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Shawn Mendes Imagines

(A/N : wow 2 posts in one night LLLLOLLILALALL)


"come on grandma you need to get to the nursing home." my grand daughter myana says to you.

"ok hun." I says walking to the car, with my cane.

some music came on that blasted into my ears almost made me deaf. again.

"when will you let me show you my music? huh?" I say.

"mom your music is a fossil." myana says looking at me.

"just this once." I say raising my eyebrows to her.

"fine." she says as I squeal and whip out handwritten, handwritten revisted, and his ep, MORE MUSIC HE MADE, MORE MUSIC HE MADE.

"pick which one you want." I say showing her each one.

"didn't they have iPhones back then?" she says looking at them.

"I couldn't afford one. these were my last option." I say looking down remembering all the tough times.

"I want this one." she says, picking handwritten revisted.

"my favorite." I say sliding it into the cd compartment. memories started playing softly as I heard the tires screeching each time we hit a red light.

"he's really good huh." she says as she sees my smiling face.

"the best." I say looking out the window.

"how old were you when you found him?" she asks.

"I was 15. so was he." I say remembering all the covers he did.

"did you ever meet him?" she asks.

"no" I say a tear rolling down my face remembering what my cruel sister did to me.

"we're here." myana says turning off the car.

she helps me out, leading me to the door.

"maybe you'll meet him here!" myana says getting all cheery.

"maybe." I say weakly.

"Y/N Y/L/N" myana says to the receptionist.

"yes, right this way." the sweet woman says leading us to my new room.

"you'll be with shawn mendes" she says writing down on her chart.

myana looks at me.

I walked in seeing an old man with the face of shawn mendes. except wrinkly. and old.

"hello!" he said cheerfully as he got up and shook my hand.

"hello." I reply back.

myana leaves the nursing home, leaving me and shawn with a thick piece of awkwardness.

"I never got your name." Shawn says making me looking up.

"Y/N." I say.

"I'm -"

"shawn." I say, cutting him off.

"you must've liked me when I was famous huh?" he says smirking.

"yeah." my wrinkly cheeks blushed.

"you must've remembered my sister, Lana." I say rolling my eyes.

"Lana Y/L/N?" he says.

"that's her." I say looking down again.

"she was so snobby and stuck up."

"try living with her for 18 years. it was horrid." I say bringing a year to my eye.

"back when I was young everybody loved me. I was one of the biggest break outs of 2015." he says smiling to himself.

"back when I was young I got a tumor in my liver and had to get a new one. I never got one donated to me until 2050. it was horrible." I say.

"at least you have on now. right?" he says patting me on the back.

"I missed it." he says.

"miss what?" I ask.

"back when we were young."


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