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Shawn Mendes Imagines

(A/N ; pic above is grant lol)


"SHAWN" I scream, as I see shawn, my best friend, and crush for 7 years, walking out of the terminal.

He completely walks pasts me.

When anxiety takes over, overthinking happens.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Is he mad?"

"Did he forget me?"

"How can I fix this?"

"Maybe I should be less aggressive...?"

I looked at him oddly. As if to say ; "Did I do something wrong?"

He looked back at me, with a disgusted look.

I slowly walk toward him.

"Y/N! Thank you so much for bringing us! We really wanted to see our little muffin man again!" Mrs. Mendes says as I smile lightly.

"No problem Mrs. Mendes" I say, confused.

"Shawn?" I say about to rub his arm.

"Don't fucking touch me!" He says pulling back his arm.

"W-what?" I say pulling back my arm confused.

"I don't like you anymore can't you see?!" He exclaims.

"E-excuse me?" Giving him the inside joke we hav- had.

"What?" He says confused.

"O-oh. I-I should g-go um, I-I need too use the c-comfort room." I say realizing he's changed.

But isn't change good?

Doesn't change mean improvement?

Not "I'm-a-big-douchebag-now" ?

I run to the bathroom my breath getting short breaths, my heart beating so fast as if I've just ran miles. I sit on the toilet letting the tears flow, the salty liquid coming into my dry chapped lips.

I text my best friend to pick me up, knowing I can't face him again.

He calls me signaling he's here. I run out of the bathroom keeping my head down in case shawns family sees me.


I can't do this anymore.

Grant (A/N : GRANT GUSTIN 😍) is taking over.

She probably doesn't even remember me.

I love her.

But she doesn't love me back.

Grant has her heart and I dream of having it.

I see y/n running out of the bathroom and go out the doors. I silently follow her to see where she's going.

I see her hop into a brown car,



"I-I can't a-anymore Grant!" Y/N cries out, throwing her arms around me. I clench my teeth knowing how much she loves him.

If only she knew how much I love her. (A/N ; HELL YEAH BITCHES FUCKIN LOVE TRIANGLE)

"You know what?" I say, confidently.

"What?" She sniffles.

"I'll see who this dick is." I say getting out of the car.

"Grant don't." She says, calming down.

"He's built like a fucking rock." She says crying a bit.

"And I'm not?" I say flexing poorly. A giggle escapes her lips and that was all I needed to motivate me.

(A/n: will it be bad is I gave him his speed powers?


I ran back to star labs and got my suit and I ran back.

I ran back, straight into him. I shake my head and my voice.

People immediately form a circle around me and shawn and he looks confused.

"Are you the flash?" He says, acting scared.

"No I'm just a guy that runs super fast." I say sarcastically.


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