Concert Crew

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Shawn Mendes Imagine


"What the fuck? Y/N look at this! Shawn screams from the other side of the arena that's in Pickering, Shawn and I's hometown.

I turn and run to him as I get closer I see a face of Shawn doing this weird thing with his lips on a stick.

"OH MY GOSH I WANT THAT IN MY ROOM ON THE TOUR BUS" I scream in between laughs.

"OH MY THAT IS A WONDERFUL IDEA" He exclaims as everyone looks at us and awes.

Shawn and I stop laughing and looks at them.

"What?" We ask in unison.

They knew I liked shawn. They some of them really hate me because I'm his best friend, or they really like me, for some stupid reason.

There's 5 of us, 3 girls, 2 boys. Shawn usually helps us put all the props back and clean the stadium because he's just so nice like I cANT EVEN.

There's Emily, who hates me with her heart and soul, just because she thinks that she's supposed to be shawns childhood best friend and should be in love with him.

Too bad for her.

There's Rebecca ( mendessmuffin BC BAE), my other best friend I made in high school 3 years ago, while Shawn went on tour with Austin mahone and fifth harmony.

(SHAMILA ❤️❤️❤️❤️)

There's Cody, He's my brother,


he came with me to check on me while I was here with Cody and Rebecca because he's protective and loves me, I think.

Then there's Jack, he doesn't really like me because emily told him that I "black mailed her with her nudes" so I don't really know much about him.

As we were cleaning Shawn and I were having a debate on which is better donuts, or muffins. Of course donuts are the bet so we just kept talking about it for what seemed like hours.

Then Emily just had to shout

"Y/N likes-"

But thankfully Rebecca covered her mouth and shut her up. But Emily put way too much lip stick so Rebecca's hand slipped and Emily finally said

"Y/N likes you!" Emily screams at the top of her lungs.

"Of course she does, she's my best friend?" It came out of his mouth more like a question.

"NO! She likes you more then a friend!" She screams yet again with a smirk sticking to her face.

He looks at me as I ran out of the stadium. I ran home to my apartment.

I slam the door and slide down it.

"Why do bad things always happen to me?" I wondered aloud.

The memories of high school came back to me when Shawn and I would never separate.

*5 years ago*

"Shawn! It's either her, or me!" Danielle screams at shawn as he looks at me, then her.

"I choose Danielle." He says looking at me with no emotion as the tears ran down my face faster than before.

"Yes! I knew it!" She yells at the top of her lungs.

I sighed and looked at my wrists.

"3 years clean, gone to waste." I say softly walking slowly out of shawns house knowing I won't be able to come back.

*3 years ago*

"OH MY GOSH SHAWN! IS THAT YOU?" I scream as I run torwards him as I jumped into his arms for a hug.

"Y/N! OH MY GOODNESS I MISSED YOU!" He yells back as we hug.

He sets me down as I see a girl there.

"Ah! Yes! I totally forgot! Y/N, this is Erika (nymendes just because it's your birthday) my new girlfriend!" He exclaims as she ran up to me and hugged me.

"He's told me so much about you!" She says to me examining my face.

"Haha, me too.." I lie

*5 seconds ago*

"Y/N likes you!" Emily screams at the top of her lungs.

*flashbacks are over*

I hear the door open to see Rebecca, Cody, and Shawn..


"Y/N LIKES YOU!" Emily screams to me.

I turn to Y/N to see that she has taken off probably her apartment.


"Because your all mine now" She says as she gives me a devil like smile.

"UGH! I LIKE HER TOO YOU SLUT" I scream as I run after her. I see a flash and look back seeing the most ugliest face I've ever seen. Rebecca took a picture of her and the flash was on.

All you can hear is Rebecca screaming at Emily, Cody and I running and the sound of cars revving by.

We get to Y/N's apartment seeing Rebecca there already.

"The fuck?" Cody says to Rebecca.

"I have my ways." She says as she takes out her spare key and seeing Y/N there staring into the distance. She finally looked up at us and sees me.

She lets out a loud sob as she ran away to the bathroom.

"No no no no no no!" Rebecca yells as she runs over to the bathroom.

"PLEASE NO" She yells while crying.

"Y/N PLEASE ITS BEEN 3 YEARS YOU DON'T HAVE TO!" She yells as she bangs on the door.

"Y/N..." She yells one last time.

"Shawn knock down the door." She says as she wipes away her tears.

I kick the door and it instantly opens.

All you see is a empty bottle and Y/N's dead body.

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