Pizza Girl

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Shawn Mendes Imagine


"Y/N! Can you please take this pizza to that mansion neighborhood? The address is on the box!" Marlene, my coworker yells.

"The mansions? You know I hate the people there! They're so rude!" I yell back, praying I won't have to deliver to those "rich people".

"Please! I don't want to do it! You owe me anyways for delivering to that really ugly house..." She says back

"Fine." I say grabbing the box from her.

I went inside my car as stitches by Shawn Mendes played from my mp3. I jammed out the whole way there, forgetting I was going to that snotty neighborhood.


I arrived at the house ringing the doorbell tapping my shoe. I heard the door click and swing open.

I was looking at a waist, looking up seeing Shawn Mendes standing in front of me.

Standing there speechless, he noticed that I was a fan.

"Hello?" He says, waving his hand in my face, bending down to be my size.

"Uh-h here-es your p-pizza" I stutter out looking at the floor, embarrassed.

"That-t will b-be $17.38" I say.

"Hey, no need to be nervous, I'm just a normal teenager. Like you!" He says lifting up my chin. I give him the pizza, he gives me the money, the tip, and a peice of paper, and winks. I blush and turn away, and get in my car. I look at the paper and pick it up.

Here's my number! Text me when you can :)

(123-456-7890) xxx

I squeal, not caring that anybody can hear me, and start driving away

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt