One last fan

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Shawn Mendes Imagine

(A/N: Making this italics just a warning :p)

I run to the meet and greet rushing to get there seeing a few hundred girls in line. I get in line, catching my breath from running almost 2 miles from home. Because my stepmother and her 2 daughters just love ruining things for me. They didn't let me leave until 3 hours after the meet and greet started.

The line went on and on as the I was the last girl left and the girl in front of me just left.

I was about to walk up to Shawn but a security guard stepped in front of me blocking my way.

"Sorry mam' the meet and greet is over." He said to me with no emotion.

"But - my, I-"

"The meet and greet is over! Now leave!" He boomed in my face.

I run away to the elevator crying.

"Wait!" I hear a manly voice scream.

I tried to open the elevator to leave, but it wouldn't open.

I lean against the wall my face in my hands, ashamed.

"Hey are you ok?" The man asks me.

"No, I was gonna meet my idol, but my step mother and step sisters just ruined it by not letting me leave after 3 hours of the meet and greet started - I- I know I don't make sense I just really want a hug right now." I say putting my head deeper in my hands and knees. I feel him sit next to me and sigh.

"I was also supposed to give him this letter but, I guess not." I say  throwing the letter in front of me.

He picks it up and reads it. I sigh heavily while whimpering a bit.

"Do-o you need a hug-g?" He says.

"Most definitely" I say leaning in.

We hug for about 20 seconds after pulling away seeing that the "man" was Shawn.

"Would you like a picture?" He says lifting up my head.

"N-no" I say tears pouring out my eyes.

"Why not?" He asks me, standing up, reaching out his hand.

I grab his hand, stand up, and brush off my pants.

"Because all I want is for you to know my name."

"Bella." I say while running away.



Published | 1:28 A.M

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