Prank Interview

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Shawn Mendes Imagines


I'm supposed to interview Taylor Swift in 30 minutes!


I run to my shower and shower, duh. I do my hair and make up and get my makeup and leave the house.

I get to filming house thing whatever it's called and wait with my interview partner Lauren.

We wait as I see Lauren sneezing a few looks at he people in the backstage and the camera man.

I see the door open and couldn't believe my -8/20 eyes.

It's Shawn Mendes

I gasp and start laughing at myself.

"Hi!" Shawn says, sitting down on the red sofa.

"H-Hi!" I stutter out blushing.

"Someone's nervous today.." Shawn says laughing.

"Uh you see Bella, (I HAD TO IM BERY HEARTILY SORRY) we always giver her bad pranks and we decided for saying sorry we would prank her one last time and say that she was gonna interview Taylor swift about the 1989 tour and since she adores you, we decided to ask you to come." Lauren explains.

"Awwwwe that's so sweet!" Shawn giggles.

"Not as sweet as the last prank.." I murmur (I love that word haha)

"WAIT WHAT HAPPENED" Shawn screams, curious.

"She gets scared so easily that if you put her in a room with cute puppys she will scream and do ANYTHING to get out because she has a fear of dogs." Lauren explains.

"So we-" she paused for laughter.

"We told her that we were gonna do a high school interview at a high school and when we got there we pretended that there was a killer on the loose and it was in the high school and she was basically in there alone and the killer took one step near her and passed out! It was so funny," Lauren explains

"Let's get on with the interview." I say, blushing.

"So the way it works is that it's basically a regular q/a like the people on yourube do it, like get it from Twitter and stuff so yeah." I explain.

"Lauren has the questions that she picked out so yeah." I say to Shawn nervous.

"Jsjdkdjsks asks (MAKING UP RANDOM STUFF AS YOU CAN SEE) Do you have any pets?" I ask.

"Uh, not anymore.. I had a cat named jasmine but she died.." Shawn says sadly.

"Awwww I love cats so much!" I say.

"Yeah I'm allergic to dogs."


"Hsjdjdoskzm asks are you gay?" I try to hold in my laughs saying this.

"Uh no I am 100% straight" he says confidently.

"Atujjqkdldldk asks how do you feel about Filipinos?" (THAT IS THE MOST GREATEST QUESTION EVER IF YOU ASK ME)

"Uh they're pretty chill I guess. Wait aren't you Filipino?"

"Y-yeah I am." I stutter out. Lauren laughs at my stuttering, knowing that I have a problem when I meet new people I stutter.

"Qwdcvbnmk asks how do you feel about your interviewer Bella? Wait." I ask looking at Lauren with the most annoyed face.

"Oh my god Lauren you're so stupid." I say facepalming myself in embarrassment.

"I think she's beautiful and funny in a way. And I think it's cute that she is scared of everything." Shawn says as I look up from my arm. I blush hard and look away.

We finish and Shawn leaves and I leave but I felt someone tug my arm and I turn around.


What I said was true, she is beautiful and cute and I wanna ask her out. We leave and I turn around and tug her arm. She turns around with confusion.

"Do you want to go on a date with me this Saturday?" I ask with confidence.

"I'll think about it." She says with a smile, I pout and se her laugh.

" I was joking. Of course I'll go on a date with you." She says sheepishly.


Actually liked this one 💞💞

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