The Selection.

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Shawn Mendes Imagines



"Lady Joelle? it's time to get up!" my maid Lana says, shaking my body slightly.

I get up, throw my legs to the side of the bed and get up, thinking about last night.

thinking about what shawn said.

"I wouldn't have noticed you.."

it ringed in my head.

my heart pounded everytime I thought about it.

but why?

"Joelle we're going to do the same look we did yesterday with just a different hairstyle, and obviously a different dress." Lana says to me.

"you guys don't have to ask for permission. I trust you that you'll make me look pretty!" I say looking back at all 6 of them.

"o-oh o-okay." one says.


again, walking down the staircase, all the cameras. I was wearing a black dress with a purple under tone, and my hair was curled to perfection. and my lips were a beautiful maroon color that brought out my deep brown eyes.

again, that burning sensation on the side of my head was satisfying more than awkward because I knew,

the prince thought I was pretty.


we all sat down for breakfast, butlers pulling out the chairs for us, and providing us with forks, spoons, knives, and napkins.

they all started digging in but me, I was praying, thanking for my food. and as I finished praying, I felt that burning sensation on the side of my head again.

I looked at shawn and he mouthed : "can we talk tonight at the gardens again?"

I mouthed back : "sure!"

I started to eat the pastries and pancakes.

they tasted like heaven compared to the food at home.


I walked out onto the garden looking at all of the gorgeous flowers and the lovely roses.

I felt hands covering my eyes, and a man saying "guess who?"

"shawn!" I say turning around, seeing his beautiful face.

wait what?

he's not that handsome..

ok maybe he is , but what am I feeling?

"so why did you need to talk to me?" I ask sitting down of the bench.

"well, I just wanted to tell you that you are my only friend I've ever had in my like that wasn't related to me, and I thank you for that." he says.

my heart aches to hear him call me a friend. my heart wanted more than that.

"aww! no problem at all." I reply, hugging him.


I really called Joelle here to see her reaction to me calling her a friend.

if she loved me back.

after I said it, her eyes told me everything.

her black pupils got smaller, indicating heartbreak.


but the thing is;

everything is moving so quickly.

it's only the second day. I have only had a "date" with Joelle and her only.

"we should have a secret sign so we could talk when we want to." I say to her.

"yeah like... ooh! we could wink?" she asks, not knowing where that was going.

"no.. I.. I.. I can't wink." I stutter out, turning red.

"you are one surprising thing shawn." she giggles, her smile getting wider.

her smile could light up the whole night.


we finally said our goodbyes, finally settling on tugging our ears.

next morning

Lana and the other maids helped me get ready, it was like a routine.


we walk down the spiral staircase blah blah blah wearing a red dress with a black undertone blah blah blah my hair is in a braid blah blah blah yay!

the selection is less exciting than I thought it would be. again, it's like a routine, get up get ready walk Down a spiral staircase, go eat breakfast, I go back to my room to play card games with my maids, go eat lunch, have dinner than sleep.

but today marks the halfway of this, week. so we're half way into the selection.

so today we're having interviews from shawn and the King, and of course, it'll be on tv.


"so, Prince Shawn, how are you enjoying this?" his father asks.

"great I've been having a grand time." he responds.

"so we've heard a few things... you've only went on two dates with the same girl?" the interviewer says looking straight into his soul.

"well actually she put me in a headlock and just agreed to just never talk about it again." he says.

all the girls look at eachother confused. I tried to blend in looking confused as well.

but then shawn looked at me and I looked at him for a split second.

"I guess we'll find out who the girl is tonight!" the King and interviewer say simultaneously.

they interviewed each one, me being the last. each of them said that they didn't put shawn in a headlock with their head held high.

"so Lady Joelle, I'm guessing you put my son in a head lock?" the King says, chuckling.

"y-yeah I-I thought h-he w-was a guard t-that was g-gonna grab m-me." I stutter out.

the King and interviewer burst out laughing.

I turn crimson red and look to the ground I feel the familiar burn of shawns stare and I look at him.

he's laughing his ass off as I'm embarrassing myself in front of all of Amea.

the cameras flip off and the camera man says we could all leave.

I look at shawn, catching him staring at me. I tug my ear, as he smiles and tugs his back.

I smile, looking at the ground.


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