rain, feelings and sleepovers

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Maretime Bay

A beach town where everypony knows every pony in the town. Quiet, yet busy. It's a classic stereotypical
village-y type town that is in its own little bubble. There's no chaos, crime, trash lying around, or any big dramatic events. However, not to be boring, the town did have its fair share of events and holiday celebrations. Now, with the other two pony-kind included, it had much more to do, with more busy streets on said holidays. But again, the town being so 'quiet', it was a benefit for the five ponies that caused all three known pony kind to become allies, rather than hide away and despise the other. A true Equestria was brought back to life, because of five ponies of all races; Sunny and Hitch, Earth Ponies, Izzy, a Unicorn, and Pipp and Zipp, two Pegasi.

The new Brighthouse was more advanced than ever before. After the incidents of it being damaged, it was updated and repaired with some more modern technology from both Bridlewood, and Zephyr Heights , along with air conditioning, actual lights, crystal ambient lighting, electric heat, and more. With this, the size also grew, specifically for four of the five ponies. The girls wanted to stay in Maritime Bay, and Sunny took the opportunity to offer them to stay with her, as they could help keep up the Brighthouse, help pay for it, and keep it less lonely. Hitch on the other hoof, for obvious reasons, decided to keep his residence to his little apartment home in the center of Maritime Bay, making it easier for him to get to his office, and the fact that he was of the opposite gender.

The second part of that argument to Hitch and the girls wasn't really a big deal. After all, they were friends, and adults at that. But again, Hitch wanted a few things. One was to let the girls be girls, and enjoy their own time with each other, and to also have a little bit of personal privacy. He loved all of them very much, but sometimes personal space meant nothing to them. This wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but sometimes after a long and hot day at his post caused a tolling effect, and Hitch wanted his own time. This Sunny understood, but always reminded him that he can come to the Brighthouse whenever he pleased, giving him a spare key.

This is when Hitch realized he really hadn't gone up to see the Brighthouse, or the girls all that often. He really did have a big job to do. Unfortunately, Sprout was let go, not by Hitch, but his mother had forced him to resign to work in her factory, to hopefully one day take a high ranking position. While Hitch did miss the fact that he did have a second in command, he did think that Sprout was currently on a good path, as after seeing him a couple of times in the past week, has noticed Sprout is much happier and says that he is content with his life.

Hitch was currently sitting idle in his office, tapping away on his new phone, scrolling through Pipp's social media accounts. Having nothing to do at the moment, he took the opportunity to look through the princess' platforms to see what she was up to. If there was one thing that Hitch was not happy with, it was that he didn't see his friends enough. Pipp on the other hoof, out of the other three, was different. He thought she had a really good

soul. Yes, she was very posh, and while still being able to pull off her little persona of being miss perfect, he knew she was a really down-to-earth pony, often being much smarter than she may come off as. He knew that she genuinely cared for her fans and friends, and that she really could give encouraging advice. She was also unusually easy to talk to, being the least awkward one in the group. It's not that the others weren't hard to talk to, but Izzy was sometimes an oddball, a loose cannon, Sunny was a little naive at times, and Zipp, Zipp actually did give good advice, but it was hard to get it out of her, as she often was a bit of a tease.

As Hitch was scrolling through posts of Pipp, he stopped on one. posted one day ago. It was just her, fully in frame, slightly angled to the right of the photo that showed her entire body, simply smiling at the camera, standing at the fence of Maritime Bay and the ocean. No caption, no hashtags, just her. Her wings folded to her sides, front legs together, rear slightly stanced apart. A small smile showing no teeth. Just a simple photo. If there was one mare that got to Hitch, it was this Pegasus. He really never thought he'd be interested in a Pegasus, but here he was, staring at a photo of one, who also happens to be one of his best friends.

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