why not sure I'll marry you part 11

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At 7 o'clock, Hitch and Sprout closed the station. Pipp gave Sprout a friendly farewell, and the prejudiced deputy hesitated before giving her an awkward wave as he headed to his mother's house. After saying farewell, the newlyweds decided to see Sunny to get smoothies before going to Hitch's house for dinner.

When Hitch and Pipp got to Sunny's stand, they saw her getting ready to close up until she saw them coming. Sunny smiled and lifted the metal shade back up. At the same time, Izzy and Zipp were walking over from the direction of Sunny's lighthouse. Finally, Zoom and Thunder came, making sure it didn't look like they were following Hitch and Pipp.

"Evening, Mr. and Mrs. Sheriff," Izzy chirped.

It took a moment for Pipp to get the joke before she giggled, covering her mouth with her hoof.

"Hi, Izzy," she said. "Did you two have fun?"

Izzy blew a raspberry and rolled her eyes as though the answer was obvious.

"Only, like the best time ever!" she exclaimed. "I showed Zipp every single part of Maritime Bay from top to bottom except for the sheriff's station so that Hitch and Pipp could continue spending time together. Zipp even had a lot of fun when I showed her all my unicycling stuff back at home."

"Is that right, Zipp?" Pipp asked.

"Shockingly, yes," Zipp said. "I was initially uncomfortable when she kept showing me where she gets glitter and all the various places where she finds stuff for her projects, but the stuff she creates at the lighthouse is pretty neat. I think you'd really like them, Pipp."

"Really? Well, I totally got to check it out if you recommend it," Pipp said. "Anyway, Sunny, can we trouble you for more smoothies?"

"Absolutely," Sunny chirped. "Although, if you're hoping to get what you got last time, I'm afraid I'm fresh out of oranges and kiwi."

"Since when are you out of oranges and kiwi?" Hitch asked.

"Since ponies found out Princess Pipp Trailblazer is the new gulpathon champion, and that was her drink of choice," Sunny said.

"Aw. And I was hoping to enjoy an orange and kiwi smoothie without chugging it all down," Pipp whined. "It's just like when my favorite taco place in Zephyr Heights was out of my favorite quesadillas because everypony found out about it."

"Hehe. Yeah, I remember that. I think they named that dish after you," Zipp said.

"I wouldn't be surprised," Pipp said. "But enough about that. What else do you got, Sunny? Any recommendations?"

"Hmmm. Well, the Grape Strawberry Splash is a classic, and Blueberry Plum Blast is the best seller," Sunny said. "Actually, I recently created a new flavor called Strawberry Razzle."

"Ooo, Strawberry Razzle. Now, that sounds tasty," Pipp set. "I'll have a large one of that, please."

"Sure thing," Sunny said. "And I assume the usual again, Hitch?"

"You got it," Hitch said.

With a smile, Sunny went inside to make the smoothies. As Hitch and Pipp waited, Zipp glanced at Izzy, who watched Sunny in hopes of placing an order as soon as Hitch paid. Zipp loudly cleared her throat, catching Zoom’s attention, and the two of them moved several feet away from the others before huddling together.

"Report," Zipp commanded.

"Ma'am, the sheriff showed your sister around town and grabbed lunch just as planned. Then, they went into the sheriff's station, and we were unable to investigate further because the only windows in the building are at the front entrance, and they were covered with blinds," Zoom said.

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