one sick stallion

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Sunny's pov

I hummed softly to myself. skating down the large hill which connected the Crystal Brighthouse to the rest of Maretime Bay. Today was her day off from the Smoothie Shop, so it gave her some time to relax in Maretime Bay, or at least that was her plan. Izzy had stayed at home, getting into more of her Uni-Cycling shenanigans as to be expected. Zipp had left the Brighthouse early to have her own fun with her flight, and Pipp- well Sunny had no clue where Pipp was. Chances were she might be at Mane Melody, but if she recalled correctly, today was Pipp's day off as well, meaning Jazz and Rocky would run the shop in her place. Ah oh well, it wasn't much trouble to Sunny anyways. She bladed her way off towards Mane Street and right up to the Sheriff's Office.

"Oh Hitch~" Sunny called out to the Sheriff, attempting to push open the door before slamming right into it. "Ow!" She recoiled a bit, holding her skate-covered hoof to her mane. She looked a bit puzzled, this time pushing on the door without moving, but the door wouldn't budge. "That's… strange?" She tried to peek through the blinds before yelping as the blinds opened slightly, followed by lime-green eyes peeking through them! Sunny exchanged glances with the eyes, a bit startled before the voice spoke from behind the door.
Pipp's pov

"OH! Sunny, thank goodness you're here!" The voice spoken was familiar. Sunny was still unaware who was speaking to her, but before she had the chance to even guess the door would open up for a second, followed by a hoof suddenly grabbing, and yanking her inside, followed by the door closing again and locking.


"Huh? What's going on?!" Sunny asked a bit in shock, looking around before spotting Pipp, looking particularly panicked. "Wha? Pipp? What're you-" Sunny was cut off as Pipp quickly interrupted her.


"Sunny, please, I need your help!" Pipp pleaded with the Earth Pony, bowing on the ground. Sunny was baffled, to say the least. She looked down at Pipp in confusion. "It's Hitch! He's sick…" Pipp explained softly. Sunny's eyes widened, now beginning to understand the severity of the situation already.






"Oh jeez, quick, call Zipp and tell her to grab Izzy, we're gonna need them for this!" Sunny exclaimed, shaking the smaller Pegasus. Pipp wasted no time, quickly tapping away at her phone, calling her elder sister.


few minutes would pass by before sudden knocking would be heard at the door. Pipp opened the door and allowed Zipp and Izzy to enter. Zipp seemed to be a bit worried, though she was admittedly handling this much better than Sunny and Pipp. Izzy seemed to be as carefree as always, it was clear she had no clue why Hitch being sick was such a big deal in the first place. Either way, the situation was a bit severe.

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