why not sure I'll marry you part 6

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As soon as Hitch was in his four-bed hotel room, he raced to his bed and jumped onto it. Zoom let herself in to check that nopony else was watching them from the window. When she concluded that the coast was clear, she closed the curtains and asked Hitch who he was sharing the room with so the hotel staff could ensure only his friends could come in. Finally, Zoom ordered Hitch to stay indoors and away from social media, which Hitch robotically agreed to as he got under the covers and dozed off to sleep.

Several hours later, Hitch woke up to somepony jumping on his bed. He groaned and rotated his body until he was lying on his back to find Izzy bouncing with a wide

"Hitch! Hitch, wake up! Tell us about last night!" Izzy shouted.

"Izzy, keep it down. My head is killing me," Hitch heard Periwinkle groan.

"Izzy, get off the bed and give Hitch some air," Sunny said.

Izzy stopped jumping and whined before she got off. Hitch got up in a sitting position, rubbed his eyes before opening them, and found Sunny and Izzy standing next to his bed. He looked to the bed opposite his to find Periwinkle in bed, lying on her back and holding an ice pack on her forehead.

"What's wrong with Periwinkle?" Hitch asked as he got out of bed.

"Oh, she just had a few of those funny-tasting smoothies at the bar during the party and was acting all goofy," Izzy said. "She was a riot on the dance floor."

"Wait, they had hard smoothies there?" Hitch asked.

"Yeah, after Periwinkle's first two smoothies, I made sure that I and especially Izzy had regular smoothies," Sunny said. "But enough about that. What are you doing back here, Hitch?"

"Yeah, shouldn't you be in the castle with your wife?" Izzy asked with a playful smirk. "You weren't too shy to share the same bed. Were ya?"

Hitch's cheeks heated up, and he cleared his throat while looking away from the mares to hide his blush.

"N-no, that's not it at all. The queen ordered that I be taken back to the hotel after the guards took the princess to her room," Hitch said.

"Aw, I was so sure you were too shy," Izzy said.

"Well, what do you expect? What mother would let a guy spend the night with her daughter when they just met him?" Hitch asked.

"Gee, I don't know, Hitch. How about the daughter's husband?" Sunny said matter-of-factly.

"Who married her because he was pressured to do it in front of everypony," Hitch said.

"I don't know, Hitch. You didn't look like you were pressured to do anything when you kissed your bride," Izzy said teasingly.

"I second that," Sunny said.

"Third," Periwinkle said, raising her hoof while still lying down, holding the ice pack with her eyes closed.

"Uh, well, the princess kissed me 'cause we were told to," Hitch said.

"You still kissed her back, and frankly, you two kissed longer than you needed to," Sunny said. "Face it, Hitch. You and Princess Pipp are already enjoying each other's company, and there's a good chance you guys could be happy together as husband and wife."

"How? How can I live a happy married life with the princess?" Hitch challenged. "You weren't there when they escorted us out of the ballroom, Sunny. As soon as we were out, she went back to being brokenhearted. Everything, even how she acted around me, was all an act to hide her grief. She was in love with Presto. I doubt Princess Pipp would ever want to see me again."

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