why not sure I'll marry you part 14

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( the final chapter)

Hitch's journey to Zephyr Heights was calm but lonely. He enjoyed looking at how beautiful the land of Equestria was, which he didn't bother doing on his last trip to Zephyr Heights because his mind was wrapped up in leaving Maretime Bay when going to the city and on having gotten married on the way back. Still, apart from the occasional traveler passing by, Hitch felt lonely to the point that he wished he thought of having somepony traveling with him. At the very least, he wished he could listen to Pipp's music without worrying about his phone running out of battery.

On Sunday, just before noon, Hitch went up the mountain to Zephyr Heights’ front gates. Hitch took out his phone from his satchel and turned it on to call Pipp, but when he reached the top of the mountain, he stopped to find 12 royal guards blocking the entrance. At the center of the line of guards, a crimson-red mare stepped forward to Hitch, accompanied by two guards beside her carrying trumpets. They stopped a few feet in front of Hitch before all 12 guards saluted.

"Can I help you?" Hitch asked with an uneasy tone.

"Sir, I am Lieutenant Aurora. We're here to escort you to the bowling alley," the crimson-red guard said.

"The bowling alley? But I'm on my way to the castle," Hitch said.

"Orders from Her Majesty, the queen. She wants to ensure that you get there without any issues," Aurora said.

Hitch tilted his head, unsure if he heard Aurora correctly. He thought he needed to present himself to Haven in the throne room before she allowed him to spend time with Pipp in her kingdom. The bowling alley was a random choice for Haven and Hitch to talk.

"Maybe she has to be there for a get-together with important ponies, or perhaps she chose the bowling alley for a heart-to-heart chat while going a few rounds," Hitch thought.

"Excuse me, sir, but we're pressed for time," Aurora said. "The queen and the princesses are expecting you at the bowling alley right now."

"Oh, uh, right. Let's not keep them waiting then," Hitch said.

Aurora nodded and turned to her fellow guards.

"Entourage formation!" she shouted.

Without skipping a beat, the guards surrounded Hitch in a square formation. Aurora and the two guards with trumpets stood in front of Hitch. Three guards stood behind him, and three guards lined up beside Hitch on opposite sides. Hitch grew uneasy that Haven's guards were taking things so far to escort him to a bowling alley.

"Forward march!" Aurora shouted.

The guards began marching through the gates while Hitch walked at a regular pace. When they entered the city, Hitch was in awe of how lively Zephyr Heights was without a royal wedding to celebrate. Scores of ponies were shopping in clothing stores, and jewelry stores, and eating out in fancy restaurants. The jumbotrons advertised products like Amplify, Z-Heights, ZBS, and Zeus. Some of the citizens were former earth pony residents of Maretime Bay. Hitch smiled at the sight of old faces and was amazed at how the earth ponies had quickly adapted to life in the big city.

When Hitch and the guards had walked for about half a mile, the guards beside Aurora blew their trumpets. Ponies turned toward Hitch and the guards, and their faces lit up at the sight of Hitch.

"Make way for Prince Hitch!" Aurora shouted. "Make way for the prince of Maretime Bay!"

"What? I'm not the prince of Maretime Bay. I'm the sheriff," Hitch said.

But nopony could hear him. Ponies screamed in joy as they rushed over to Hitch and the guards. The guards raised their wings to ensure the citizens were kept at a distance while taking pictures and videos of Hitch. Hitch looked around, taken aback as ponies called out to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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