why not sure I'll marry you part 1

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( these next chapters in an alternative universe  a little  after the movie and before  hitch and pipp decided to marry each other)

When it was announced that there would be a royal wedding at Zephyr Heights, ponies all over Equestria were delirious with happiness. Ponies in Zephyr Heights, Bridlewood and Maretime Bay, talked about the wedding as though it were a national holiday. All the celebrities and ponies of high significance were invited, and tickets for other ponies to celebrate in the royal castle were sold out. But while the vast majority were excited, other ponies were firmly against such happiness between earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi.

For many moons, the three races lived apart from each other. Then, things changed for the better when earth pony, Sunny Starscout went on a journey to see the unicorns and the pegasi in hopes of bringing friendship between all three pony kinds like in the olden days. Many unicorns and pegasi were contemptuous to see Sunny, but with the help of her new unicorn friend, Izzy Moonbow, Sunny discovered that not only were the stories against unicorns and pegasi untrue, but neither of them had magic. The only exceptions were the royal family in Zepher Heights, and neither Queen Haven nor her daughters flew anywhere outside their castle or posed any threat.

When Sunny shared her discoveries with the ponies of Maretime Bay, many thought Sunny was talking nonsense like her father, Argyle Starshine, before her. Others were curious, however, and decided to go to Bridlewood and Zephyr Heights to see for themselves. They backed up Sunny's claims, and as time passed, all three pony kinds got to know each other better and found everything they were taught to be nonsense. Ultimately, earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi officially made peace, much to the joy of Sunny, who dreamed of every pony becoming friends all her life.

But not everypony accepted change with open hooves. Some closed themselves off from ponies of different races becoming friends. Some earth ponies, in particular, were suspicious that unicorns and pegasi were only pretending to have no magic and planned to attack them when all of Maretime Bay least expected it.

But several moons had passed, and there were no attacks to speak of. In fact, some ponies began developing romantic relationships with ponies outside of their race. Of all the interracial relationships, the most beloved and celebrated was the love between the pegasus princess, Pipp Petals, second in line to the throne of Zephyr Heights, and a unicorn pop star named Presto Tetrachord. At first, their relationship was professional - simply admiring each other’s music and performing a single together if the studio demanded it. But as time went by, Pipp and Presto began spending time together outside of making music, and before anypony knew it, they were deeply in love. Presto was allowed to visit Pipp at the royal palace whenever he wanted and was treated by Queen Haven and Pipp's sister, Zipp, as though he was part of the family.

And then, one night after performing a concert, Presto surprised everypony by proposing to Pipp onstage. Pipp teared up as she said yes, much to the joy of their fans. And so, the royal wedding between Pipp Petals and Presto Tetrachord was announced, exciting fans and non-fans alike. Many thought a public wedding between a unicorn and a pegasus was a wonderful way to strengthen the diversity in Equestria. Sunny Starscout, more than anypony, was on cloud nine, seeing the dream she shared with her father further come true.

But none of that mattered to the bride. All Pipp thought about was that she would be united in wedlock with the stallion of her dreams. Her mother was more than happy to officiate the ceremony, and after much begging, Zipp agreed to be her Best Mare. When she wasn't on social media or helping prepare for the wedding, Pipp secretly wrote a song she planned to sing at the wedding reception to express her love for Presto. She imagined her husband falling deeper in love with her after singing her new song.

Pipp was in her bedroom in Zephyr Heights Castle practicing her song with her keyboard. It was a large room with her canopy queen-size bed, a disco ball hanging from the ceiling, a pony-sized mirror with lights in the corner by the bed, and a wide golden dresser. On top of the dresser was a large mirror with two smaller mirrors attached to its golden frame. The walls were made of marble and decorated with golden plaques. A room fitting for royalty and a pop star at work.
As Pipp practiced, there was a knock on the door. She put her music paper in a dresser drawer and took out her phone to pretend she was on it for hours.

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