a heart's warming to Never forget

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All three regions of Equestria that are known all experience the seasons. Every season to be exact, from the pollen allergy inducing spring, to the super hot summers with cool thunderstorms, to the colorful and chilly fall, and to the brisk and snowy winters.

Winter in Maretime Bay was always a little intense. Huge snowstorms would always come to the beach town, often laying multiple inches of soft powder. While this was nice for a season, it sometimes got a little overwhelming. The town was able to handle it in the end, always finding new ways to help cope with clearing the snow.

This winter was rather tame, currently with about an inch of snow on the ground. The temperature never went above 20oF, resulting in everypony to wear the proper attire. While the Earth ponies always wore clothing, the Pegasi and Unicorns were lucky to not do so. Their fur grew a little bit more fluffy, almost unnoticeable to another. But the little bit of difference really did the trick. Pipp Zipp and Izzy rarely wore winter clothing, apart from the usual scarf or mittens to stop the snow from making their hooves from going cold.

Hitch and Sunny had the short end of the stick here.

The five were currently outside at the Maretime Bay Cafe, enjoying coffee, hot chocolate, and warm pastries. Sunny wore a heavy black winter coat, the inside having thick fur in order to help cope with the cold. Her whole body was wearing a black jumpsuit that tightly clung to her body that went all the way from her rear hooves, up to her neck. A light silver scarf was wrapped around her neck, as well as a color matching beanie with a white fluff ball at the top of it. She was comfortable.

Hitch... was still cold. He wore the highest grade of snow gear. It was very similar to sunny. He also wore a black near skin tight jumpsuit, a heavy white winter coat, a black scarf, and as well as a color matching beanie with a black fluff ball. At the bottom of his hooves were small rubber pads. He looked as if he was ready to face a blizzard.

The other three mares wore simple scarfs, with Izzy wearing a beanie.

They sat in silence, sipping on their hot drinks, occasionally taking a bite into their pastries.

"So guys," Izzy started, "Are we all ready for tonight's Hearth's Warming Eve party?" The other ponies nodded their heads yes.

Tonight was much more special than previous events. It would be just the five of them at the Brighthouse, enjoying music, food, sweet treats, eggnog, and other various spiked concoctions. The Brighthouse was decorated to the tee, with various lights accenting the building in beautiful colors. A tree was in the middle of the Brighthouse, wearing ornaments from all the regions of Equestria. At the top of the tree, was a different ornament. After Sunny showed it to the other four ponies, they all agreed that it was perfect. The colored ornament of Twilight Sparkle in Alicorn form stood at the top of the tree, standing on her rear legs, posing in a beautiful fashion. The rest of the Brighthouse on the inside featured multiple ambient lights from Bridlewood, and other various golden ornaments from Zephyr Heights.

"Don't forget to bring your presents!" Izzy added. They had arranged for each pony to have a present for one another, Hitch having a present for Sunny, Sunny for Pipp, Pipp for Izzy, Izzy for Zipp, and Zipp for Hitch.

After the group dispersed to get ready for the party, Hitch and Pipp stayed at the table to finish up their drinks. "Hitch, you look freezing." Pipp remarked, laughing at his expense.

"Har har, at least the coffee helps." He said, taking a huge sip of coffee, warming his insides right up. Pipp only giggled.

As day turned into dusk, the couple made their way to the Brighthouse. Hitch barely made it being so cold, as he only wore an aquamarine scarf in order to look less ridiculous. Pipp wore a purple scarf to compliment her hair, and boy oh boy did it make her look adorable.

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