the Sheriff and the princess

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( warning major sexual content do not read if your uncomfortable or underage)

When Pipp decided to become Hitch's deputy for a limited time, she imagined lots of things.

She choose to help the Sheriff out because, well, his last deputy was about to literally starts a war against two tribes that were minding their business and couldn't care less for the Earth Ponies.

So, becoming Hitch's deputy was a decision she took out of generosity, because she genuinely wanted to help him out with everything she could. After all, Hitch has been alone for months, not to mention Sparky makes his duty as a Sheriff a complete challenge everyday as well.

However, the job turned out quite complicated as the weeks went by. The first few days were normal, and Hitch was definitely looking better thanks to her... But he eventually started to seem too distracted.

The paperwork wasn't a problem, since she could read entire articles of anything without falling asleep. Patrolling around wasn't a problem, either, thanks to the security cameras that her sister installed and connected to her phone so she could guard over the bay without having to get out of the station so often.

She thought at first she could have done something wrong that made Hitch get quite distracted and thinking on how to tell her without hurting her feelings... But one day, she finally discovered the actual reason.

The real problem about Hitch and why he's so distracted lately is that he simply stares at her rear day and night, sometimes trying to act like he wasn't doing anything, and sometimes without even pulling his sight away. When one of the latter situations happened is when she finally realized what he's doing.

At first, she only felt flattered, because she thought that he was having the same reaction everypony in the bay has whenever she look at her in general... But then it turned annoyed.

Every single time she's showing her backside to do whatever, Hitch gets hypnotized by it or something, because his sight never separates from her rear until she finally moves the sight away. It's even worse when she uses some leggings that made her feel comfortable at work.

She's been wondering if she should give Hitch what he wants (a peak of her ass, that is), but she has turned down that idea to herself. Why? Well, there's three prime reasons behind this.

The first one, and the one she considers the very reason she could never see Hitch ever again if she does it with him: She has a crush on him, ever since the very day they met. Well, maybe a bit later on, like a month or two, but still, she likes him a lot. Probably also one of the reasons why she wanted to be her deputy.

She likes Hitch by who he is: A helpful pony, a very kind one that despite having a charm that made him a chick magnet, he never ever stopped being himself with anyone. No matter how little the task seems to be, Hitch will be there to help you out, to make sure you feel happy and safe while he's around... That's what Pipp loved from him.

Of fucking-course that he's handsome and sexy, but that's just a plus. His personality, his dorky attitude, his sometimes lame sense of humor... It actually made her laugh and fall for him even more. Hitch was everything Pipp could ever want and even more. However, all of this sums up to the reason why she can't give Hitch what he's craving for, at least not yet.

The second reason is that she knows she'll avoid Hitch as much as she can if anything spicy ever happens between them, and he'll probably do the same. She can't let that happen, she can't loose her crush.

The third and final reason? Their friends in the Crystal Brighthouse would eventually find out, and of course, some tension could grow and make things really bad for her, but hr sister would probably take ti the worse since she suspects she also has feeling for Hitch. Not that she hates her or blames her, though.

a princess and her sheriff Where stories live. Discover now