Pipp's holiday snuggle session

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Winter Wishday was nearly here and the ponies of Equestria in a few days. The soft cold snow falling onto the ground. The night sky gave a relaxing aura. And the colorful lights that shone through Maretime Bay was a sight to behold.

Hitch had made his way to the Crystal Brighthouse. He was excited for the upcoming holiday and he was mostly excited to celebrate winter Wishday with all his friends especially his marefriend a talented, confident, and stunning pegasus princess named Pipp Petals because Not too long ago, she had snuggled with him when she stayed at his house during a storm and to help him with his sleeping problems sleeping problems. And since that day, he and pipp have cuddled more often because of how nice it truly felt being in each other's embrace. Now hitch and Pipp
had made their way to the Crystal Brighthouse. Hitch opened the doors and the two of them walk inside to find nopony else there in 3 minutes just him and her

Hitch" looks like sunny and the others aren't here yet" Hitch spoke.

Pipp"oh that's alright hitch we can wait for them" pipp said while smiling a little wider then usual. She looked quite excited about something.

Hitch could tell by her tapping her hooves on the ground really quickly as well as the big on her face being dead giveaways. Not to mention, he noticed she was almost like this the past few days. She looked like she was wanting to do something, but she was having to hold back. " Pipp are you alright?" He asked her raising an eyebrow" you've been a little weird for a while..."

"Oh, well um... I..." Pipp stammered while sweating as she tried to come up with an answer. She eventually groaned loudly now seeing she couldn't hide it any longer. "UUUGH! To hay with it! I can't wait another day for this!"

Before hitch could ask Pipp suddenly pulled out what looked to be a medium wide present and she held it out to him.

Pipp"I... err... wanted to give it to you under the Wishing Star... But... I may have gotten a little impatient..." Pipp laughed while scratching the back of her head.

Hitch"You want me to open it now?" He asked. "I don't know... it is a little early..."

Pipp""Oh, come on, Hitchie! I can't wait another minute!" Pipp replied, looking into his eyes with those puppy eyes again. She knew how to win him over easily.

Hitch" alright, if you insist" he replied as he opened the gift from her and started unwrapping it as he then got a good look at his gift.It was a new set of pajamas with a pink and gold color scheme and with Pipp's cutie mark embroidered on the shirt.

Pipp"Well, whataya think?" Pipp asked. "I had Izzy sew them up for me."

Hitch"They're beautiful, Pipp." He smiled at her as he leaned forward kissing her lips. "Thank you so much."

I just wish I could have gotten  you something  just as nice I mean I know in the gift exchange I had to get sunny  a gift  but I just wish there was a little  something to give you

Pipp" awww Hitch don't worry about it you don't have to get me anything  being here with you is just enough " she said nuzzling against  him" besides there's always next year

Hitch " yeah but I wanted  this year to be extra special to say thanks for all that you've  done cause of how you make everyday special just being yourself " he said as he got an idea as he looked at her" say uh pipp I know you don't usually do this but  do you  think you could let me borrow your lucky  microphone for this occasion?

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