why not sure I'll marry you part 12

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Sprout saw Hitch in high spirits since Pipp's visit to Maritime Bay. He was used to seeing Hitch in a chipper mood, always happy to serve the ponies of Maretime Bay as the sheriff, but the stallion that Sprout had known since they were colts was particularly giddy.

Sprout was reluctant to admit that he understood to a degree. Pipp was surprisingly nice to Sprout even when he thought she would harm him. How she smiled at him once he began to see a reason was etched on his mind. Since she visited, Sprout pondered how his fears against the pegasi were silly, as though he only now accepted as a grown stallion that there were no monsters in his closet or under his bed. If nothing else, Phyllis was pleased that the seeds had been planted in Sprout's mind.

A few weeks passed since Pipp's trip, and Sprout was on his way to work. Walking down the main streets from Phyllis's house, he noticed ponies walking by with bright smiles. Some even greeted him, “Good morning,” as though they were long-time friends with Sprout. Indeed, Maretime Bay had become a more cheerful and friendly place ever since the sheriff's wife visited, even if she was only in town for less than 24 hours. Sprout was uneasy with the upbeat manner unusual for the ponies of Maretime Bay, particularly the unicorns and the pegasi, who knew he was still prejudiced against them. Still, it was nice to see the citizens so happy, especially if it meant getting positive attention from the citizens as the deputy for a change.

Sprout arrived at the sheriff's station, carrying a bag of donuts and a bottle of chocolate milk with one hoof. The critters were sleeping on the sign, expected to wake up when Hitch arrived as per routine. Sprout went inside the station and went to his desk to eat his breakfast.

At 7 o'clock sharp, Hitch came in through the front doors, but, to Sprout's confusion, he didn't give the station a good morning like he regularly did. He was followed by the critters walking behind him in a straight line and then by Zoom and Thunder with military duffle bags on their backs. Sprout's ears hang low at the sight of the royal guards, worried that something serious was happening.

"Sprout, allow me to introduce you to Zoom Zephyrwing and Thunder Flap," Hitch said. "They're the ones that are going to hold the fort while I'm in Zephyr Heights."

"What? You're leaving for Zephyr Heights? When did you decide this all of the sudden?" Sprout asked.

Hitch furrowed his brow and said, "Sprout, I told you I was going a week in advance. I put it on the calendar."

Sprout looked past Hitch to see on the calendar past him to see on the calendar hanging next to the front doors that Hitch indeed wrote that he would be leaving for Zephyr Heights on Friday the 8th. Sprout chuckled sheepishly, and Hitch rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"You gotta be kidding me," Hitch said under his breath before he spoke up. "Alright then, let me repeat what I told you. I'm going to be spending a week at Zephyr Heights Castle. Including traveling time, I'll be gone for about 11 days. While I'm gone, Zoom is in charge as acting Sheriff, and you and Thunder will serve as her deputies. I expect you to treat Zoom with the respect you give me. Is that understood?"

"Yes, sir," Sprout huffed.

Good," Hitch said before taking out his set of keys and turned to Zoom. "Here are the keys to the station and my house. Make yourselves at home while I'm away. I'm trusting you have memorized Maretime Bay law and will look after my town to the letter. If there's any sort of trouble that requires you to contact me, don't hesitate to send a message."

"Sheriff Trailblazer, we will protect your town as though it were Zephyr Heights Castle. You have our word," Zoom said as she and Thunder saluted.

"Okay, okay, at ease. No need for that," Hitch said with a chuckle before turning to Sprout. "See you in a week and a half, Sprout,"

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