the mystery singer

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( note I got the idea of Hitch being the mystery singer cause we'll since he's pretty much like fluttershy and we all know how fluttershy gets scared of performing in front of others),.

( hitch's pov)
It was a calm and beautiful morning as I was walking down the street greeting everyone who walked by just being my normal charming self as I couldn't stop thinking about yesterday about everyone wanting me and pipp together " do I have a crush on pipp?, I asked myself as I started thinking about her more. I mean sure she is fun , loving, caring, generous, talented, not to mention she instantly got my attention at her performance when we first met but there's no way she could possibly like me the same way Right I mean I'm just a regular earth pony, I said to myself as I immediately snapped out out of my thoughts when I spotted pipp flying by as my heart felt like it would never stop beating the way her hair flowed in the gentle breeze, the way she had that beautiful glow with her eyes sparkling like the calm water of the sea in the starlight as a blush slowly crept onto my face

( pipp's pov)

I was just happily flying along in my own thoughts thinking about yesterday while thinking about a brand new song to do for my next livestream but I was having a bit of trouble thinking of one as more thoughts about yesterday was turning me into a blushing mess as I tried to take a few deep breaths while fanning myself, don't get me wrong I always thought of Hitch as a good friend but now because of that video I feel like I might have a bit of strong feelings for him,I thought to myself as I spotted him near by the Sheriff Station as I swooped down and landed in front of him" good morning sheriff hitch" I greeted in my best not to sound flirty voice as I looked at him seeing him staring at me." Uh hitch ? Hitch!" I tried to get his attention as I noticed a bit of a blush on his cheeks .

" oh my God I is he blushing at me?, I thought to myself blushing a bit as I saw him snapping out of it?

( hitch's pov)

Once I finished snapping out of my state I finally realized that pipp was staring at me as I calmly cleared my throat " o oh uh morning pipp or should I just say princess pipp" I said greeting her with the same charming smile I greeted everyone with

Pipp's pov

I casually rolled my eyes in a bit of annoyance but still smiled knowing what he was trying to do " phht classic hitch just trying to be the charming pony he's always been , I said to myself as I came back to reality" Hitch please you know that your my friend there's no need to address me like that" I said secretly blushing as I looked back at him slightly smirking as I leaned closer" still being a charmer as always I see aren't you hitch" I said teasingly and flirtatious as I walked to the side" well I'm going to work on my new song

(Zipp's pov)

Meanwhile i was flying by with my
vizor on trying to see if there was any
mysteries to solve " man there's gotta
be a mystery somewhere " i said to myself as i noticed hitch and my sister

" hmm what is going on there I is hitch's cheeks
turning red at my sister hmm why would
that be happening " I asked as I
went closer to investigate

(Hitch's pov)

Well yeah you know me just trying to be my normal charming self uh w would you like any help with that new song" he asked as zipp instantly stormed into the conversation causing hitch to jump in fear not knowing he was clanging onto pipp

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