i will always be with you

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Maritime Bay, being that classic beach town, was known to be a little, how do you say it, fragile, when it came to storms. Little events such as rain would most of the times hurt the town, with tree branches breaking from trees, plants being destroyed, and the town becoming very dusty when the water dries up and leaves the dirt. Even when it got windy, somewhere in Maritime Bay, whether it be in the town, or on the outskirts, a tree, or some signpost would fall over, resulting in fixing and or in need of replacement.

Today was no different. Not even close due to the storm from last night. Torrential downpour turned into a brutal storm, with high winds, lightning, thunder, and even hail at the end. This resulted in Maritime Bay looking very disheveled. But, the town, being used to something happening whenever a raindrop shows up to the town, quickly took action, and Canterlogic quickly got its heavy equipment out to clear any fallen debris.

The town was now still, as the only sound was all of the townsponies helping clean up. There was no wind, not even a breeze. Only clear skies. With the integration of Unicorns and Pegasi, it made cleanup a lot easier. Being able to magically lift heavy objects was a lot easier than having seven ponies help hoist and monitor a massive crane to get the trolley back on the tracks, or a tree out of the way.

With the sun now high in the sky, and the town started to make more noise, caused two certain ponies, now newly lovers, to wake up.

Pipp opened her eyes slowly, met with beige fur and a little bit of aquamarine.


Pipp smiled and tilted her head up, looking around the room that was mostly in the dark. She slowly grabbed her phone that was hooked under her wing to check the time. 9:40 A.M. Pipp then took the opportunity to open her phone to see her notifications, noticing a message from Sunny, delivered past midnight. ‘Hey Pipp, Zipp got your message of where you are. I’m guessing you can see that it’s really raining outside. Don’t try to come to the Brighthouse, it’ll be too dangerous. Text us when you two wake up ;)’ Pipp smiled at the last part.

The four mares knew that Hitch liked Pipp for a while now, and always encouraged Pipp to make something happen. Sunny often reminded her that Hitch is not one to make bold moves. ‘He may seem like a confident go-getter, but trust me, if he really does like you, which he totally does, he’ll never muster up the courage’. Eventually Pipp told the girls that it was time she took charge. A great feature for her was that she was very confident. She had realized in life that you really just need to take your chances, don’t worry about what others' reactions might be when talking to them, or making decisions, or even how you live your life. It’s her life, and she didn’t tell others how to live theirs unless they asked for advice. On her social media, sure, she did have boundaries. She knew that the canternet could be a dangerous place to easily get canceled on, but other than that, off social media, she was set loose.

“Hey Pipp”. The sudden words surprised the pink mare, as she looked up to see Hitch
staring back down at her.

“How long have you been awake?”

“Like, maybe 15 minutes, give or take?”

Pipp shook her head. “And you didn’t wake me?”

“I didn’t want to disturb you. And… I was comfortable watching you sleep. It reminded me just how beautiful you really are.” Hitch smiled when stating the last sentence.

“Well now, it seems that all of your nerves have gone back down to normal.”

“For now.” Hitch noted, causing Pipp to chuckle. “Are you hungry?”

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