why not sure I'll marry you part 4

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The throne room was completely silent. Every pony in the crowd was looking between Hitch and Pipp as they processed what just happened. Queen Haven stared at her daughter with eyes wide and her mouth hanging open. Zipp looked at Pipp flabbergasted as what she just did was not part of the plan.

A few seconds after Pipp made her declaration, Sunny and Izzy looked away from comforting Periwrinkle to realize everypony was looking at Hitch and Pipp. Periwinkle lifted her head with red puffy eyes, wondering what was going on. All three mares looked between their friend and the bride until they realized Hitch was holding the “marry me” sign, and their eyes widened with Sunny letting out a loud gasp.

A unicorn mare jabbed Hitch in the side with her elbow, breaking him from his frozen state.

"Well, don't just stand there, doofus! Go to her!" She shouted.

"Yeah, what are you waiting for?! Get over there!" A stallion shouted.

"Go! Go! Go!" Another mare shouted.

"Wait a minute. Hold on. This isn't a proposal,” Hitch protested. “I-I-I am just holding my friend's sign and -”

“Oh, don't be shy! You asked the question, and she wants to marry you! Now get over there!” Another stallion shouted.

“Please get over there! Save Pipp!” A third stallion squealed.

Before Hitch knew it, ponies were stomping their hooves and chanting, “Go” in unison. He uttered more words of protest, but his voice was drowned out by the crowd. He turned to Sunny, Izzy, and Periwinkle for help, but his hope was dashed when he saw Izzy and especially Sunny looking at him ecstatically.

“Go on, Hitch! Get over there!” Sunny shouted.

“Hitch is marrying the princess! Hitch is marrying the princess!” Izzy sang.

“But wait! Aren't we supposed to be focusing on Periwinkle?” Hitch asked.

“It's all right, Hitch,” Periwinkle said with a sniffle and a crack in her voice.

“But she's your crush's fiancé,” Hitch said.

“And she will be a million times happier with an honest stallion like you than she would have been with Presto,” Periwinkle countered as she took the "marry me'' sign off of Hitch's hoof. “Now, go on and marry her.”

“You heard her, Hitch. She just gave you her blessing,” Sunny said. “Go marry the princess!”

Sunny and Izzy pushed Hitch toward the stage and ponies nearby joined in pushing him around toward the stage. The best stallion helped him up, and led him toward Pipp, making Hitch's cheeks turn cherry red. The best stallion took off the clip-on collar and bow tie around his neck and put it on Hitch before Pipp took his hoof and guided him to the arch. Pipp turned to Queen Haven and gave her flabbergasted mother a pleading look. Haven opened her mouth to protest, but then she quickly accepted that the royal family was now stuck in a position where they had no choice but to play along.

"Er - let the ceremony continue," Haven said hesitantly.

Ponies screamed and cheered again with many continuing to record on their phones. The wedding band took a few seconds to set up and begin playing The Wedding March again. Zipp and the best stallion took positions behind the bride and the groom respectively as Hitch and Pipp stood facing each other. Sunny was sitting on her plot squealing, “Oh, my stars! Oh, my stars! Oh, my stars,” while Izzy had her hoof on Sunny's shoulder. Periwinkle wiped tears from her eyes as she smiled for Hitch. When the band finished playing, Haven cleared her throat and spoke with her head held high.

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