love marks in the bed

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( warning  chapter is for people  18 or older or for anyone who is comfortable  please do not read if this makes you uncomfortable and just skip ahead

Pipp and Hitch had only been dating for perhaps a month or two now, but here they were in her room in Zephyr Heights. Their lips pressed against each other and their hooves wrapped around one another. They certainly hadn’t thought they would be taking their relationship to this level so soon. Of course, they hadn’t anticipated an all-out war with an evil alicorn and her army, a war they were not doing well in.

Hitch slowly pulled away and looked at his marefriend.

“Uh, you really want to… fuck… tonight?” Hitch asked, reluctant to use the F word. “I mean we’ve only been an official couple a little while now.”

Pipp looked at him with pleading eyes. “Hitch, we might not get another chance at this! You saw what happened to the Brighthouse and Maretime Bay! Opaline took it!”

She was right. In their most recent battle with their nefarious enemy, she and her army had managed to conquer the place that Hitch, Pipp, and all their friends called home. Now they were here in Zephyr Heights trying to hold out. But it would only be a matter of time before the evil alicorn attacked here as well. They had been so close to defeating her last time with Flurry Heart, Spike and Ember helping them. But then the traitorous Pegasus Right Light stole the Unity Crystals and disabled their magic, allowing Opaline and her forces to get the upper hoof once again. Hitch himself still had fresh wounds from his fight with Opaline’s head torturer Dirty Fighter.

“She could be here any day now! We would have been killed the first time if not for Misty!” Pipp went on, recalling when they’d first fought Opaline together. “She also nearly beat us the second time when her son attacked Maretime Bay, now we really lost!”

She then sobbed slightly. “And my three favorite little pipsqueaks got captured!”

She looked down, hoping Seashell, Glory, and Peach Fizz were alright along with the others.

Hitch hugged his marefriend. “We’ll get them back! Everypony that’s now being forced to live under Opaline’s evil rules is gonna be free and happy when this is all done!”

She smiled and returned. Her confidence had taken a bit of a blow with all the defeats they’d had lately at the hooves of Opaline. But her coltfriend’s words restored it a bit. “Thanks Hitch. But… back to your first question… yes! I want to fuck! I’m sure we’ll win in the end… I mean good always triumphs over evil, right?”

“Not always,” Hitch answered honestly. “Twilight Sparkle had to give up her magic and immortality to trap Opaline. So, it was kind of a stalemate there. But we’ll just have to do our best.”

Pipp nodded sadly. “Well, assuming Opaline wins… she’ll probably either take our magic or kill us.”

The words hung in the air for a moment. They both felt dread at the thought of both outcomes, of course it would be worse to be dead then live without magic. They’d live that way before, they could probably take it. But living under Opaline’s rule, that was another matter. Still, it was unlikely she’d let them live, unless she used her magic to brainwash them which was a possibility.

“If I’m gonna die, I don’t wanna still be a virgin!” Pipp said. “Please Hitch?”

Hitch looked at her nervously. “Uh, are you gonna make a porno of it?”

Pipp giggled and took out her phone. “Well, I do have an flankbang account so I could livestream it! But only if you’re okay with that.”

Hitch blushed. Speaking on livestream wasn’t something he was uncomfortable with, but showing himself having sex live? That was not something he’d expected. Especially on his first time. But… he knew how much Pipp loved her videos and livestreams.

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