so fluffy

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(Ever wondered what happened to hitch  after he first met pipp from her opening  night performance well this chapter will tell you as a dream of a flashback if that makes sense)

Hitch's pov

Hitch tried his best to escape the room. Not that you can call it a room. It was bigger than his house! The ceiling was so high up, he actually mistook it for the sky. The doors leading towards the en -suite and the doors you enter to access the room were huge and unnecessarily decorated and adorned with gems and gold.

Though the bed was comfy and the carpet was soft he had to get out of here. He came to get Sunny and that Unicorn but instead got caught by a patrol of Pegasus. He heard that Sunny and Izzy got caught but escaped the next day with the Pegasus queen’s crown. Apparently they are still at large. Ha! Even the thought of Sunny Starscout doing something like that made him laugh. The Queen Haven obviously was not amused. After that he was told his ‘fate’ would be decided and since last night he was cooped up in this room.
He did not sleep of course, every moment he tried to escape. The windows were out of the question. It was a sheer drop to the ground, which was about over 500 meters down. Who builds a castle on a mountain? He tried to break the doors but almost ended up breaking his legs. In the end desperation got to him and even went as far to attempt to dig through the marble floor. The daftest idea ever conceived by pony kind.

Hitch sighed. It was morning now and all he could do now is wait for his sentence. Was he scared? Nope. Was he terrified? Hell yes. He did not show it, obviously, being trained as a sheriff he knew how to stay calm in situations like this. It’s not like they are going to execute me right?

Hitch immediately flinched as the doors began to open. This is it, do not break, they will try to break you but you will not, you are Sher-

Hitch immediately broke from his mental encouragement as he looked at the pony in front of him. What is the princess doing here? Hitch knew there were two princesses as they were always by the queen’s side. He knew their names but did not know which one was which.

Hitch went into an awkward bow. “Greetings your Highness, may I ask what are you doing here.”

Pipp" aww you are such a gentle colt! You know I heard that you earth ponies were always  barbarian manners , but you my sweet gentlecolt of a stallion  have excellent manners" I said as i started  flapping my wings flying around him as i gentle   slid a hoof under his chin " though of course you could  be trying to impress me   aren't you handsome " she said  smirking while leaning against him  batting my eyelashes

Hitch's pov

Hitch’s eye twitched as a small blush appeared on his cheeks raising an eyebrow looking at her puzzled" oh my god i is she trying to flirt with me ?" I asked myself  as She still did not answered his question. Play it safe" I said to myself as I took a deep breath"

Princess, has my sentence been decided?”

The Pegasus princess, much to Hitch's surprise, jumped up and down, fluttering her really fluffy wings as the doors closed behind her and jumped on to the bed.

“Yes it was,” she said happily. “Originally you were supposed to serve a life sentence-” but I, Princess Pipp Petals, managed to persuade my mother to a less harsh sentence.”

a princess and her sheriff Where stories live. Discover now