hoof to heart

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( if your wondering why this chapter seems out of order that's because it takes place as a flashback)

"I want to do my part."

His voice came unbidden, unable to force anything out but those words despite his hesitation. Hitch forced his gaze to meet Sunny's, and that knowing smile spread across her muzzle. He took in the way her eyes softened, catching just the slightest hint of flickering flame reflected in her pupils. He remembered that smile, loved that smile - the stars above only knew the last time he truly saw the real thing.

"What have we got to lose, right?" He spoke again, eliciting cheers of support from the others, and Sunny shone all the brighter for it. Softly, Hitch's front hoof lifted, facing towards his oldest friend, and in time she responded with a gentle bump, subtle and unnoticed amid the celebrations of his companions. For just one moment, they were foals again, memories resurfacing of romps through their favorite hillside park, and Hitch could almost feel Argyle's kind gaze watching over them.

'Sunny... Hitch! Did you two have fun? That's good! Why, of course we can come back - no, we don't have to tell your parents. Are they not... of course. I understand. Still, you're always welcome with us... Hitch.'

"I have to admit, a unicorn forest does sound kind of magical..."

"Oh, when we're through, it will be," Sunny asserted with a smirk Phyllis would have been jealous of. "Mark my words, Hitch Trailblazer," a playful jab before her hoof rested against his chest in that familiar, supportive gesture, "We are going to bring magic back to the world - back to ponies everywhere."

"You know, when you say it like that, I can almost believe you," a softer voice came from beside him, and Hitch turned to find a pegasus - Pipp, he believed her name was - making herself comfortable by the fire. A frown almost showed on his face before remembering who and where he was - no time like the present to toss out old prejudice, the thought arose, but that only elicited a full-on grimace at the memories those words evoked.

Sunny was the glow of halcyon days, of frosting and chocolate filling the air while fillies-foals, invoked a magical world of playtime and adventure. A world of friendship, where doctors and mothers could never intrude on their fantasies, and with a rightward flick of his eyes, Hitch confirmed that Sunny could see right through his facade for the moment the mask cracked. Closing his eyes, a deep breath filled his lungs, and utilizing a technique Sunny taught him so long ago, exaggerated the breath with the movement of his hoof outward from his chest.

'How many times have I told you two? You cannot just go trotting off without my permission! Especially not... here.'

"Feelin' alright, Sheriff?" Zipp, that was her name, approached from Sunny's side, but elected to keep the other earth pony between them, a fact he wished he didn't appreciate as much as he did. Yet her presence didn't seem to affect him quite so much, and Hitch was forced to face the fact that, no, it was Pipp that caused this lump in his throat. A nonchalant nod of his head, the distinct sensation of Sunny's hoof gently pressed against his side cleared his thoughts and allowed him to speak.

"Yeah, just... it's gonna take a minute to adjust to... this," an exaggerated gesture waved at everypony around him, before, stammering, he added a quick addendum, "A-and I want to get used to it. But it's... this..." The awkward silence that enveloped the air choked him, Hitch could feel his face clamming up, but it was Sunny who broke through the fog first. He barely managed to stop an audible sigh of relief, because how could he possibly explain what was really going through his head?

'Fine. If you're gonna play with us, you have to be the pegasus, Failblazer. After all, you're real good at pretending, aren't you?'

"Actually, that can wait. We should probably see about getting some more wood for the fire, and to set up a makeshift tent."

a princess and her sheriff Where stories live. Discover now