the sleepover

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( yes I know the first chapter was supposed to be about hitch sleeping over at the Brighthouse but this chapter will be different cause it takes place during heart's and hooves day but Hitch as a little problem)

Hitch's pov

It was a normal quiet day in maretime Bay as it was also hearts and hooves day as hitch had just woken up as he was out on the streets on his way to the Sheriff Station as he basically had to do not only his normal job as Sheriff but now that Sprout was no longer his Deputy it only made him have to struggle doing two jobs while also being the first and only adoptive dragon dad to Sparky as he finally took a seat at his desk

"man now that sprout's been demoted and no longer a deputy I suppose I'll have to hire a new one"

he said sighing to himself as he also had a secret he didn't tell anyone not even his best friends

Izzy's pov

Izzy was happily skipping along down Main Street happy and full of energy as she approached the station seeinghitch deepin thoughtthroughthe windowas she steppedforward''GOOOOOOOD MOOOORNING, SHERIFF HITCH~!!!'' ''How's your day going, friend~?'', Izzy asked as she didn't knock on the door before entering and pushes the door VERY hard as soon as she opens it appearing out of nowhere screaming like a crazy person making Hitch startle and fall out of his chair like a scared kitten

Hitch's pov
Hitch was suddenly taken out of his thoughts about asking pipp to be his very special somepony as he heard izzy coming through the door as he stumbled and fell out of his seat groaning as he got back up rubbing the back of his head.
"Uuuggh izzy, please never scare a Sheriff when he's deep in thought about something also I'm doing pretty good though probably evenmore busy now that I'man adopted father, Sheriff, and I no longer have sprout as my deputy" he said as he cleared his chest ''so what's got you so excited more then usual today?" He asked as he got back in his chair

Izzy's pov

I started giggling a little as i had startled him , as I quickly covered my mouth as I looked at him
''Well... let's say... TODAY IS HOOF AND HEART DAY, MY FRIEND~!!!''
''Which means... my secret crush is out there somewhere thinking about me all the time~!''

''Who do you think is my secret crush~??'' ' Zipp~??, Misty~??''or... Sunny~???'' ''You think that any of them thinking about ME at this EXACT moment~???''

Hitch's pov

Hitch then took a while to think about it as he got out of his chair before walking up to the energetic unicorn

"hmm I honestly don't know I mean I'm just saying heart's and hooves day doesn't really seem like much of a zipp thing however there is one unicorn that I've seen that tends to be into you but I can't say cause he told me to keep it a secret but perhaps you can actually help me with something cause I know it's heart's and hooves day but the thing is I have a bit of a problem with this holiday" he said as a small blush started spreading on his cheeks as he turned away trying to hide it

Izzy's pov

''Oh, Hitch, my innocent little friend..." she said pausing shaking her head as she trotted her way up to him" you can NEVER fool ANYONE, not even a pony so silly and slow to understand things like me~!''" She said as she started off laughing ''I know VERY well who you're talking about, little silly... of course you're talking about my FAVORITE unicorn... the MISTY~!!!'' ^^

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