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Nesryn looked up from her homework from school as her brother stormed into their shared room that was practically split in half. She looked up to see a bruised face and a bleeding nose. She sighed "What did you do this time?"

"Uh, I DID NOT annoy the same guys I did the past 3 times," he looked at her showing a fake smile.

"Yeah. Uh-huh, you said the same thing last time you did that. You said you would stop after the first time. I am going to lose it if you do it one more time."

Nesryn shook her head and decided it was time to have a little break from all the fights her brother got into. She walked out into the kitchen and almost broke into a grin as she watched her father trying to calm down her mother.

She turned away to her shared room as the world suddenly spun. She held her arm out trying to reach for something to hold onto when she touched a surface with fur. Nesryn jumped back and screamed. She could hear her brother running down the hall. She made a small glance at what she had touched. She saw a face looking down curiously at her with big black eyes and black fur.

 Nesryn realized that it was a gibbon due to the class that they had today. She looked behind her, seeing her parents in complete shock and her brother's face in anger. Tarik stormed out of the hallway into their room. Nesryn feels heartbroken seeing her brother like this. She didn't understand why he was like this but whatever the reason was, she knew it had to be something related to them being twins. 

She crawled over to her gibbon and stroked him. Then seemingly out of nowhere, a bird screeched loudly outside their door. Nesryn watched as her father opened the door to find a messenger bird that had a very short message in it, it read Conor's house, as soon as you can, bring the kids.

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