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Naveb sat down on a small bench in the training area, lost in thought. He snapped back to reality when Dale opened the door with Blaze right beside him looking very tired.

 He gave Dale a friendly nod as he walked in. Tarik walked into the training area looking annoyed and Nesryn was walking next to him trying to say something, but Tarik cut her off by talking really loudly to Dale. 

Naveb wanted to jump in and support Nesryn but he didn't know what they were arguing about and considering the look on Dale's face neither did he.

 "Children," Naveb heard Olvan's voice as the large man rode into the training area on his moose, "today you will practice with different weapons to find the one that suits you most."

 Irina nodded and, in a flash, her fox was at her side. It slid its claws out climbed up Irina's jacket and sat on her shoulder Naveb also called out his spirit animal, His Sun Bear was named Moon by his younger brother Nyx when Naveb was trying to find a name for his spirit animal, and it stuck.

Naveb walked along the rows of weapons and his eyes landed on two daggers he picked them up and waited for the others to pick their weapons Irina picked out a bow, and Nesryn took out some darts (that had the poison taken off them for training), Dale and Tarik chose the traditional sword.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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