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Tarik jerked his head up in surprise. Did Naveb just ask if Shadow had a tail? I already asked him that, Huh, I knew I was right. Tarik jumped from the balcony and landed neatly on the ground. He heard Shadow answer with,

 "Yes I do my father has one as well" Tarik waked over to Shadow and Naveb "You have a tail!? Like an actual tail? Wait I already know the answer to that. I saw it earlier but no one was paying attention to me"

"Yes, yes I do have a tail" Shadow spoke in a haughty tone that irritated Tarik. There was a loud bang as the door to the training grounds closed behind Nesryn "Irina has gone into planning overdrive" she reported. 

Tarik looked at her skeptically "And you haven't?" Nesryn glared at him "Training starts first thing tomorrow morning don't be late" She spun around and stalked out of the training arena.

 Tarik glanced at Naveb to find the blonde boy staring at Nesryn; he glared at Naveb and stalked off to his room with his cheetah not far behind him.

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