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Irina crouched, waiting for the deer that she had been hunting to move from the safety of the tree it was behind. Her brown eyes lit up as the deer moved towards the small stream as it went down to drink, Irina knocked an arrow into her bow.

"I'm sorry" she whispered before letting her arrow fly, it hit home, striking the deer in the heart. She walked lightly over to it and picked up the body she sprinted to her house which was not far from these woods. She knew her mother would be proud of her.

Irina grinned at her mother as she set the deer carcass down on the table. Her mother, Abeke, smiled at her brought the deer over to the kitchen bench, and began to butcher it. Irina slumped tiredly into the soft armchair next to the fireplace. 

A bright flash lit up the room. Irina jumped up, all senses alert as she tried to see through the light it soon faded, and at the center of where the light had been a fox stood there, it had thick red fur and intelligent eyes. Irina looked at it and a grin broke across her face. She looked at her mother.

 "Is this a spirit animal?" Her mother looked at her, pride filling her gaze "It's your spirit animal" Irina bent down and stroked the fox's silky soft fur. She glanced around the room to just see a bird fly through the open window. Irina watched as her mother united the small letter from its leg and read it with a worried expression on her face.

 "Come with me" she murmured.

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