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Dale quietly followed his friends in the direction the parents were going. Flowers and vines climbed the wall with many people rushing through doors. The parents stop at a large, wooden door with a name on the front 'OLVAN'.

 They whisper among themselves and knock on the door. "Come in," a deep but soft voice exclaims. Dale was trying his best to look not scared but could tell that he had failed miserably.

 He stepped into a warm room with a man who looked like he was about to have a panic attack. Dale follows the bunch of parents and children to sit down at the armchairs in front of the man. 

"Good afternoon heroes. Ah, I see you have brought the children with you. Well, I will introduce myself. I'm Olvan, the leader of the Greencloaks."

Nesryn's face looked in full shock, Tarik didn't seem to be paying attention and seemed half asleep and Irina looked alert and ready for information.Olvan continued to speak after the silent auction. "Your parents were heroes many years ago-" Dale saw Rollan put on a fake hurt face "Hey" he protested, "we're not that old!" Olvan almost broke into a grin and that comforted Dale into knowing that he could smile.

 "Your parents were heroes a FEW years ago and they saved the world three times. Have any of you guys heard of talismans?"

"Ooh, I remember that class. That was 5 weeks ago on Tuesday!" Nesryn exclaimed excitedly."How do you remember that? I can't even remember what I had for breakfast!" Tarik said in a surprised voice.Nesryn glared at Tarik, "As I was saying, talismans are the tokens of the Great Beast."Olvan was impressed by this, "Well done Nesryn. Now, the thing I needed you to come here for was that I found a 16th talisman."

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