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Irina stood perfectly still as she waited with the others on the training grounds. She knew that fiddling and complaining wouldn't make anything happen faster. 

"Children" Olvan boomed as he walked across the training grounds towards all of them "Today you will train with your spirit animals and strengthen the bond that you have with them" Irina glanced down at the tattoo on her arm and Slash appeared in front of her, she watched as the blonde kid that had been introduced as Naveb called out his sun bear as well. 

"When you have a spirit animal it will give you strength for instance Rollan can see through Essix's eyes and Conor can make his senses sharpen because of Briggan" Olvan paused to take a breath,

 "Irina, you and Slash will go first and you will see if you can unlock this different form of trust inside you" Irina stepped forward nervously but felt herself relax as Slash rubbed his silky red fur against her leg. Olvan stepped forward with a wooden sword in his hand. 

Irina felt the world somewhat slow down; she darted forward and knocked the sword out of Olvan's hand.

 "Well done" he murmured, "I believe that Slash helps you think fast and act quickly" Irina happily stepped back in line and watched as Naveb gained strength from his bear, Dale gained sharpened senses from Blaze and Nesryn became agile and climbed like her gibbon spirit animal. 

Olvan was about to call Irina back and fight him when Tarik started screaming. Irina turned around to see a cheetah running full speed at Tarik.

Irina ran forward but she knew that she wouldn't be able to beat a cheetah. She waited in fear for Tarik to be ripped to shreds by the large cat but to her surprise it slowed down as it neared Tarik and brushed its fur against him.

 If it wasn't such a scary situation, Irina would have laughed at the completely bemused expression on Tarik's face.

 "Tarik" Nesryn spoke softly, 'I think that's your spirit animal."

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