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Why am I even here? I don't even have a spirit animal. Olvan probably just wanted me to come to let me see how idiotic I am without a spirit animal.

Tarik thought angrily, he turned around, ready to walk away from this frustrating event when smoke appeared, and out of it came a cheetah running full speed at him. 

His eyes widened and he let out a scream. His friends all turned around to see the scene and Irina was running towards him. She stopped and waited. 

Even Irina doesn't want to help me. What good friends I have. Tarik realized this sadly as he closed his eyes and waited for death to approach him. To his surprise, the cheetah stopped and brushed its fur against his leg. 

Nesryn looked like she was about to scream but instead, she spoke. "Tarik, I think that's your spirit animal." 

Tarik felt like he could jump with joy. DO NOT DO THAT he thought to himself DO NOT EMBARRASS YOURSELF, ACT COOL, DON'T LET YOURSELF LOOK SCARED.

 Tarik took many deep breaths before he could brace himself to look at his friends. When he looked up, he found all the parents and all the children there standing in front of him gaping. 

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