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Nesryn looked at Irina in amazement as her fox Slash went into a doormat state. She glanced up and realized that the only parent left was her father. 

"Come on" he mock glared at them "we should be inside by now!" all four kids followed him into the large building the other parents were not far from the door talking to two people. 

Nesryn glanced at her friends and they were all staring at the building, taking in everything she took this time to look at her brother. He hasn't really talked to her since she called Ernia, her spirit animal. She couldn't figure out what was wrong. 

A man wearing the same green cloak as everyone else in the building walked up to Abeke and murmured something to her and left. She watched curiously as Abeke spoke to her mother, father, and Conor. Nesryn watched as her mother beckoned her over with her hands she nudged the others and murmured,

 "We have to go somewhere now" and walked up to her mother with her friends on her heels. 

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