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Nesryn looked up as the green cloak from before came back through the door with a kid that she assumed was about her and her friends' age. It was hard to tell behind his white cat mask and red cloak.

 "This is Fenrys' ' Fenrys flicked his head up sharply "My redcloak name is Shadow so please call me that" Nesryn nodded along with her friends. 

The green cloak hurriedly walked out and shut the door behind him. Nesryn thought it would be polite to introduce themselves before asking him any questions and was about to speak when Tarik interrupted with "Why are you here? What's a red cloak's name? Why do you have a tail? Why are you-"

 Tarik's sentence was cut short as Irina hit him on the back of the head "Ow" he complained, "why did you do that?"

 Irina glared at him "Because you weren't shutting up" Nesryn turned back to Shadow "My name is Nesryn. The one that can't stop talking is my brother Tarik, the one that hit him is Irina, and on my left is Dale, and on my right is Naveb'' 

Shadow nodded "My father and Olvan are sharing information that we can't hear that's why I was put outside with you guys" he said this in a haughty tone that made Nesryn worry about what Tarik might say but surprisingly he held his tongue. 

I'm going to go listen to what they are saying. She thought. I could use the abilities that Erina gives me. "I'm going to listen to what they are saying," she proposed. Tarik looked excited and asked, "Can I come?" he asked Nesryn sighed "No I'm going to go alone so there is less of a chance of us getting caught."

Nesryn quietly walked out of the training grounds in finally reached Olvan's door she pressed her ear against it and listened "Vilmos has always hated the greencloaks and now he has the bile and might get the Opal Horse from Oroitz" She heard Olvan's voice "We will be ready for him" Nesryn guessed that the person talking was Shadows father.

"Me, Rollan, Meilin, Conor, Abeke, and Takoda" Nesryn heard Olvan sigh.

"We can't do that Worthy; all of his followers are on the lookout for all of you. That's why I was thinking of sending the children."

"WHAT!" Nesryn heard Worthy yell, "They're children we can't send them to defeat Vilmos!" Olvan sighed again,

"You were also children when you all saved the world" he reminded Worthy, "we will tell them now" Nesryn heard this and ran back to the others and explained everything quickly to them reminding them to pretend not to know already. The door swung open and two people walked into the training grounds.

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