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"Are we nearly there yet?" came Tarik's voice for what felt like the hundredth time that day. Irina was on the verge of shoving him off his horse and making him walk the entire time.

 " Why are we going to Greehaven again?" Tarik asked, pretending to not know. Melin sighed and glanced at him,

 " Tarik, we are going to be explaining everything when we get there. And no more questions or I am going to ground you for a month."

 When Tarik was about to ask another question. Irina zoned out of the conversation when she saw her fox, Flash, struggling to keep up with the speed of the horses. She slowed down her horse in order to pick up her fox.

Irina zoned back into the conversation when Tarik was having a race with Dale on who could get to Greenhaven first. She heard a tiny whisper of Melin saying,

 "Boys these days." She struggled to hide her grin. Irina looked up at the boys again as Rollan yelled "3,2,1, GO!"

 Both the boys shot off down the path Tarik easily taking the lead and beating Dale by a long shot. Irina gracefully got off her horse next to Tarik and Dale who were both sprawled out on the dusty floor. She helped them both to their feet as Nesryn came up to them,

"Can we go inside?" she asked. Irina glanced at her "I'm not sure" she murmured as she smiled as she watched Slash boldly walk up to Urzura the large leopard looked down at the fox and sprinted ahead leaving Slash behind.

 Irina crouched down and opened her arms Slash sprinted at her and threw himself into her arms, happily licking her face. Irina managed to stand up with the wriggling fox in her arms. Slash stopped moving and looked deep into her eyes and with a flash he was gone and all that was left was a tattoo on her arm.

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