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Tarik walked out of the room in a huff of course Irina and Dale also have a spirit animal he thought angrily. 

He let his mind wander as Dale showed off all of Blaze's tricks, his thoughts settled on what on earth all of the adults were talking about. He knew it was important and he wanted to find out.

 "You guys know that whatever all our parents are talking about is important, right?" he asked them all and got a low murmur of yeses. 

"We should listen to them" he proposed, "through the door, they won't notice, they're all too busy talking to notice if we were at the door" 

They all seemed to think about it until Irina broke the silence.

 "We can't do that they didn't invite us to listen so we probably shouldn't" Tarik looked at her.

 "Then why did they bring us then? I'm pretty sure it wasn't for a reunion" Irina sighed "Sure I'll do it" she gave him a pointed look "but if we get in trouble, it's you who has to take the blame" Tarik grinned at her,

 "Sure thing" all four of them ran up the hill and waited on bated breath to find out what they would hear.

"There can't be another talisman we collected them all" Tarik recognized his father's voice "How did we know we collected them all though" Conor interjected.

"I don't know, maybe because we were all nearly killed by the staff of cycles which only works if you have all the talismans" Rollan's sarcastic voice cut through everybody's chatter and the whole room fell silent.

 "We leave for Greenhaven tonight" Abeke calmly pointed out "we can discuss it there with more senior Greencloaks" Tarik pressed his ear onto the door,

 "Do we bring the children?" Tarik heard his mother's voice. 

"Yes" came the short answer from a voice he didn't recognize. Tarik heard the scraping of chairs and the sound of footsteps. He glanced at the others, and they all sprinted down the hill hoping their parents didn't know they were there.

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