Chapter 4

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And just like that, school was set to start.

Unfortunately for Mia, her room still wasn't done, so she took up sleeping on the couch in the common room, and waking up to various Avengers watching over her, and getting ready in her en suite.

But life goes on, and Mia has classes to attend.

So she woke up and showered and got ready for her first day of class.

She opted to wear blue skinny jeans, her black heeled boots, a white tank top and black leather jacket, with her Start of David necklace.

"Good luck on your first day of school Mia!" Morgan said from her chair, where she sat eating breakfast with her mother and their dad.

Mia smiles. "Thanks."

Tony stood up and gave Mia a hug. "Good luck. Love you."

"I love you too dad." Mia smiles and out the door she went.


Instead of going back to Avengers tower, Mia decided to grab herself a bite to eat.

As she was enjoying her food, a group of teenagers came in.

One group went to the left of the diner and the other, smaller group went to the right.

Mia paid them no mind, but saw the boys from both groups sending glances her way.

Until a teenage boy with bleach blonde hair sat across from her.

Mia looked up from her Medical book with a raised brow.

"I'm Flash." He flashed her a perfect smile.

"Hi. I'm not your type." Mia smiled back and then went back to her book.

"Oh I think you are. Exactly my type."

Mia chuckled. "I'm too old for you."

Flash laughed. "Your not that old."

"I'm in college." Mia said.

"I'm in High school. Not to far apart." Flash said.

Mia rolled her eyes. "Listen. Either way, I'm not interested."

Mia watched the emotions flash through his face and eyes. Then settled on anger.

"Whatever." Flash said as he angrily got up and stomped back to his group.

At that, Mia decided it was time to return to the tower, so she slung her bag over her shoulder and her book under her arm as she walked out the diner.

Mia quickly walked up to her car, heels clacking against the cement, unlocked her car and started it.

She didn't notice, the entire group of teenagers starring at her.

                ~ THAT NIGHT AVENGERS TOWER~

Mia was sitting on the floor of the common room, with all the avengers in the room.

Mia was currently studying and on the phone with her mother.

"How was your first day Mia?" Came her mother's voice.

"It was okay. Fun." Mia answered honestly with a smile, from her side, the avengers could only hear what Mia was saying.

"Do you like the people in your classes?"

"Im not really there for that mama." Mia smiled, which caused Tony to smile.

"I know Mia. But I'm afraid your gonna be alone for the rest of your life. Live a little!" She encouraged.

Mia rolled her eyes. "Not everyone in life wants to party."

"Well that's how your father and I ended up with you." She admits honestly.

Mia and Tony locked eyes. "I know."

"So are there any hot guys?"

Mia blushed. "MOTHER!"

And all the avengers looked at Mia and her blush as her eyes widened at the attention she now had.

"What! Let me live a little through you! Seriously! Any one?"

Mia sighs. "Mom." In all honesty, there was only one guy on the mind of Amelia Stark today.

The Winter Solider.

But shed never admit that to a soul.

"Honey. Are they being nice to you there? What's wrong?" Her mother asked seriously.

Mia shakes her head as she closed her textbook and throws it off her lap. "It doesn't even matter."

"Oh baby. Do I need to call your father?"

"It's nothing. I gotta go mom." Mia said, but she also knew she had the attention of all the avengers due to her scene.

"Okay sweetie. I love you."

"I love you too mom." Mia said as she hung up.

Mia stood up and walked into her bedroom and went straight to her en suite without saying a word to any of the avengers, and she did it before they could get anything out, effectively stopping the avengers from asking anything.

Tony stood up and walked to Mia's room.

He knocked.

No answer.

"Amelia. It's your father. Please." Tony begged.

A few minutes later the door opened and Tony walked in, closing the door.

Tony hugged Mia. "I know sweetheart."

"She Just is so pushy." Mia admits as she pulls back and wipes her tears.

"You have your own goals Amelia. Just stay focus and stick to your morals." Tony advises.

Mia nods and gives her father a small smile. "Being in college, it just reminds me that you and mom didn't really want me."

Tony looked at her in surprise. "Amelia. We wanted you. You were just a surprise."

Mia shakes her head. "You didn't want me to have your last name."

Tony lets out a breath. "Yeah. I was young and stupid. Amelia. Your the best thing that ever happened to me. I'm so excited that your here, you have no idea. I hope you don't move out until you graduate."

Mia smiles. "If I don't go back during the summer, I think my mom would have an aneurism."

Tony nods. "Yes probably."

"I was so into today, I actually forgot to put in papers for a dorm. I will tomorrow."

"Amelia. You don't have to. You can stay. I think everything for your room will be in by the weekend." Tony says as he puts his hand on her shoulder in a comforting way.

"I can't do that dad. You have a family and a life before I Came here." Mia said.

"Your apart of that Mia."

They lock eyes.

"That's the first time you've called me Mia." She said.

Tony looked taken aback. "Yes. Your right."

"It sounds good doesn't it?" She smiled.

Tony smiled back. "It does. Your a good kid Mia. I want to be apart of your life. I want you in Morgan's."

"I'll think about it. But I wanna relax before bed." Mia said with a smile.

"Of course. I'll let you get back to it. I just wanted to check on you after the conversation with your mom. You seemed upset."

"Mom brings out emotions in me." Mia smiled and laughed.

"Of course. Just remember to spend as much time with her, you never know when it'll be your last with your mom." Tony advises.

"Okay dad." Mia smiled as Tony exits her room.

She closes the door, and goes back to her en suite and continues drawing a bubble bath for herself, still thinking about Bucky.

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