Revelation of a Noble Past (part 2)

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Makoto and Sakura were perusing the stalls at the market for supplies for the next part of their journey. Where were they going? Even they were uncertain, but they knew that they needed to keep moving for their safety. Makoto wished one day they wouldn't have to. His little sister deserves a better life than this constantly on the run one.

Some leather caught his eyes as he barter with the stall's worker.
Sakura was constantly on guard, keeping a watchful eye on everything and one. Both the siblings observation haki was active as a safety measure.
Sakura's back stiffens when she sensed the presence of something she dreaded. Slowly she walked up to her brother and tugged at his shirt. He nods. He too was aware of them. "Don't cause a scene." Matoto whispered to her.

She rolls her eyes. "No promises. We need to leave."
"I know"
"The longer we stay the more danger we face" she mutters to him.
Makoto looks around quickly coming up with a plan. He nods his head forward "we head in that direction. Keep your head down and try not to draw attention to ourselves"
Sakura nods pulling her hood over her head.
Sakura cursed when they got spotted  "Run" she yelled
Makoto picked his sister up and started running. It was quicker this way since he had much longer legs.
Just when they thought they were in the clear a second group appeared cutting their escape route off. Makoto quickly turned and ran down the alleyway near them but that turned out to be a dead end.

Makoto placed Sakura down pushing her behind him as he took a fighting stance facing the enemy. He was not letting them anywhere near his sister.

The ring leader of the group grins at the two "finally caught up to you brats. You really didn't make this easy on this"
Makoto growls "don't come any closer" he threatened "or what? You don't stand a chance against us boy. You picked the wrong people to make an enemy of"

Before Makoto could say anything he felt an intimidating aura. Soon the group cornering the two started dropping like flies "and you don't want to piss me off" a very familiar red head woman spat at them.

"She has conquers haki" Sakura whispered to Makoto. Sakura wouldn't say it but she was impressed at the control the Pirate captain had on it. "You two come with him." She ordered

Sakura crossed her arms "why should we? You could be leading us to another trap" she spat
Rouge rolls her eyes "we don't have time for that, princess. Their back up is on their way here now. So let's get a move on it"
The two shared a look before agreeing to follow the tall red head woman.

As they ran Rouge decided to bring it up. "So what the hell was all of that back there."
Makoto sighs "our parents stole a gem from their organization, but since they died these people have been after us for over 14 years."
Rouge sensed their presence before she could see them, she quickly skid to a stop.

"What are you doing?" Sakura demanded
"Keep your asses moving. I'll buy us sometime" she ordered. They nodded as they ran past her.
Rouge growls as haki surrounded her fist, she  punched the near by wall causing it to collapse blocking their pursuers path. Once she knew they couldn't get through that, she quickly caught up to them.

"Why even help us? What do you have to gain from it?" Sakura demanded as they made their way to the docks. Rouge grins at them. "As long as my ship is on this docked her, you are still part of my crew and we look out for each other"

"We aren't part of your crew" Makoto stated bluntly. "You were on my ship, no matter how long that may have been, you are my responsibility to look after, as the captain of the legacy pirates." She cracked her knuckles when their pursuers finally caught up to them. " So deal with it, punks" she then proceeded to easily take them out.

Once they were all knocked out, she crossed her arms as she turned to face them "are you two going to remain cowards and continue to run for the rest of your lives, or are you going to join us and do something about it" she growls. She walked off towards her ship. It was their decision in the end. She wasn't going to force them to stay.

The Requirements for Legacy (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now