Path of Uncertainty

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Months have gone by since the two couples were married. The legacy pirates had also welcomed their newest member, André D Portgas, into the world. He was absolutely adorable and was adored by everyone. Rosi fell in love with his tiny fingers and toes. Holding his nephew, he decided he wanted one of his own someday.

Soon even Umiko and Ichiro were married. They had gotten engaged not long after their siblings tied the knot. Ichiro was a bit surprised Jiro got married at all, little lone before him. They had a big wedding in a flower garden. Ichiro made sure everything was nothing less than perfect for his bride.

Even then time flew by them rapidly.

The Legacy Pirates were currently visiting the Trinity Pirates. Alexis absolutely adored her grandchild. She made every excuse to hold him which Lami was fine with. It gave her some alone time with her husband.

Of course while they were there, Alexis had to ask Rosi and his boyfriend if they were ever planning to tie the knot, since they were the only remaining couple that had not done so yet.

Rosi laughs it off. "Who knows." He says. Makoto looks down, blushing slightly.

"Come on, answer. You gonna marry our boy?" Kid butts in. Kid loved Makoto and wanted him to be part of their family already.

"Uh...well... I... we haven't really talked about it. I love Rose, but I don't know if I least not yet uh...."

Makoto felt flight or fight hit him. So he chose flight and took off quickly, not looking back. He was freaking out and he wasn't sure why. He really did love the blonde, but he wasn't sure marriage was something he could have. Life had been cruel to him thus far, and he didn't want to tempt whatever gods that be to continue that by getting married.

He hid as best he could, trying to get his breathing under control. He truly wanted to marry Rosi,  but his Dad had loved his mom and their marriage was not a happy one. She didn't love him back, just wanted the precious stone that his dad had crushed and made into the rings that Makoto wore around his neck. He didn't want marriage to turn his relationship with Rosi into that.

He shook his head at himself. He wasn't a coward. He scoffs. If he wasn't, then why was he hiding?


Rosi glares at this parents. "That's enough." He growls. This of course shocked everyone. Rosi never raised his voice at them before. He was always the carefree, fun loving prankster, but right now that Rosi was no where to be seen.

"Rosi..." Alexis stared but was cut off by her son.

"No mom. No more of this topic. If we get married then it will happen in our terms and not from the pressure of my family. I love Makoto and he loves me. I don't care if we get married or not, as long as I have him in my life, then I am happy." He glared at his parents before storming off to find his boyfriend.

Alexis sighs guiltily as she looks down. Maybe she shouldn't have pushed them, but she just wanted to make sure they were happy.


Rosi manages to track him down. "Makoto." Rosi whispered as he slowly approached him, kneeling before him. "I'm so sorry about my parents. We don't have to get married. I'm perfectly fine with how we are now. As long as I have you, then I'm happy."

Makoto shook his head. "No I... I would love nothing more than to marry you, but marriage ruined my parents. I don't want marriage to ruin us. My life has been a series of unfortunate events and I don't want to tempt fate into using marriage as another way to destroy me." He sighs.

"I love you so much." Rosi gently cups his face, lightly kissing him "We are not your parents. We don't have to get married now or anytime soon. I love you so much and whenever you are ready, all you have to do is ask, I'll marry you in a heartbeat."

Makoto smiles at him. "I'm sorry I overreacted. I shouldn't have run off. I'll go back and apologize to your parents."

Rosi shooks his head. "No need. I snapped at them earlier and have no interest in being around them right now. I just want to hold onto my amazing boyfriend that I love so much that it hurts."

Makoto pulled Rosi into his lap and squeezed him tightly. He rested his head on Rosi's shoulder. "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm sorry that I just can't do this yet. I just want to make sure nothing plans to ruin us first. I'm too scared." Makoto lets himself admit.

Rosi smiles. "And that's perfectly fine. I'll wait for eternity if I have to."

The two remain in each other's arms, refusing to let go of each other.


A cloaked figure runs through the trees, approaching the cave entrance to a hidden building. Pink hair fell out from under the hood as the figure peaked around the corners, making sure no one could see them.

Time was crucial in all of this. They had to make every second count. There was no going back from this. They needed to pull this off successfully. They had worked nonstop to take down the organization that had been hunting their family their whole life. This was the final piece to the puzzle. They were sure of it.

If they managed to take them down then their brother could finally be safe and at peace. He could live happily with the man he chose to love.

When the coast was clear, they swiftly moved towards the door at the end of the hall. That room was their destination.

They silently slipped into the door and moved to the edge of the balcony. Looking over at the scene before them, they heard tell of a plan to move in on a target.  The target was most likely their brother. The hooded figure listens in on their plan and slowly starts to move further into the secret base.

Someone grabs their shoulder and spins then around. "Got you! You've caused a lot of problems for us these past 2 years, haven't you? Kimura Sakura! You have destroyed several of our bases."

Her hood fell from her head to reveal the pink haired former legacy pirate crew mate. She growls as she lifts her leg and round house kicks them. They stumble back from her. "I'm not going to stop until all of you pay for what you did to my family!" She growls taking a fighting stance.

That person quickly calls in for reinforcements, alerting them to her presence. She curses her recklessness. This was a trap and she fell hard for it. She should have known this wouldn't be an easy task.

She puts up a good fight, but she could not fight 30 at once on her own. They subdued her and tied her to a chair. The person in charge smiles evilly at her as he strokes the large knife in his hand.

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