Fancy Words and Secrets Uncovered

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Makoto sighs as the warm water hits his shoulders and back, soothing his aching muscles. The day had just left him worn out. Enemy pirates had tried to assert their dominance, but they sent them flying. Makoto buries his head under the spray.


Rosi sighs after he finished patching up the last crew member. Thankful that there wasn't any major injuries. Once he cleaned the med bay up, he headed to his and his lover's shared room to unwind from the stressful day. He wanted to snuggle his boyfriend, but he wasn't there. His shoulders slumped in disappointment until he noticed the light shining under his bathroom door and the sound of running water.

He tipped toed over to the door and grinned when he realized it was unlocked. At this point he has never seen his lover fully undressed. He had always left his pants on when they were intimate.  As he quietly opened the door, he peaked over at the shower and raked his eyes up and down his boyfriend's naked body. His eyes stopping on his legs. 'Were those...scales?'

Makoto remained oblivious to his presence as the iridescent scales shined in the light. Rosi stared at them in awe. They were so pretty, with how the light hits them just right. The water cascades down Makoto's very toned and muscular body. Rosi felt a twitch in his pants. He was so turned on by his boyfriend's gorgeous body.

He slowly stripped out of his clothes, before joining the taller man in the shower, wrapping his arms around him from behind. Makoto jumps, body going rigid. "What are you doing in here?" He grabs a towel to hide his legs, moving away. His eyes held fear for what Rosi might say. His parents always told him that people hated his kind. He was part fishman from his mom's side, but his sister and mom didn't show signs of the lineage, only him. His mom had resented him for it. She hated that her child bared the characteristics of a fishman, so he had always hid it.

Rosi looked confused. "I wanted to cuddle my gorgeous boyfriend after a long day." He mumbled. "Your scales are beautiful. I wish you had showed them to me before." Makoto blinks a few times as Rosi's words sink in.

" them? You don't hate me now? I thought humans hated fishmen, even if they are only a small percentage." Rosi looks up at him as he now stood in front of him.

"Of course I love them. They are so pretty with how the water and light shines off of them." Rosi's face saddened at what Makoto said. "Makoto, I love you. I don't care what species you are. You are still you and I love you. I don't hate fishmen and neither does my family. Afterall, my uncle is one too." He looks up at him.

"Really? My parents always told me people hated Fishmen and that I should keep it a secret. Even my own mother hated me for it. She treated me like filth compared to Sakura...." He sniffles. Rosi wraps his arms around his lover and sighs sadly.

"Sadly, there are people still out there that hate fishmen, but you will get no judgment or hate from me or my family. My mother would actually love you." Makoto hesitantly drops the towel and hugs his boyfriend. Rosi smiles as he cuddle closer to him, kissing his chest "I love you and every inch of your beautiful skin and scaled body."

"Thank you." He said with a sob. He was relieved he hadn't just lost the man that he had fallen for. He wasn't sure about telling the rest of the crew, but it was enough for now that his boyfriend accepted him. Rosi smiled before turning the water off that now ran cold.

"Come on, meathead. Let's go to bed. It's been a long day." He said with a yawn. The two got out and dry off, but Rosi stops Makoto from putting his pants back on. "Please don't hide them. I want to get a good look at them." Makoto nods.

"O-okay." He pulls his boxers on and sets his pants down. He felt nervous about keeping his legs exposed as he crawled into the bed. Rosi smiles brightly at that. He crawled into bed next to him, his hand gently running over the scales. They were so smooth. Rosi snuggled into Makoto, resting his head on his lover's chest, listening to his heart beat before falling asleep.

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