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Law didn't want to put them both under at the same time so Makoto let Rouge go first. It was several hours before Law told him to get on the table and lay down. When Makoto was set up, Law applied the anesthesia. Soon Makoto was out.

When he opened his eyes again, the light was dimmed and it was quiet. Makoto blinked a couple of times, as he slowly sat up. Rouge was admiring her new arm until she realized Makoto was awake.

She grins over at him. "Finally awake, Sleeping Beauty?" She teased. "Your new leg looks badass on you. I'm sure Rosi won't be able to keep his hands off you even more now."

Makoto looks down at his leg and stares at the metal leg now attached to what was left of his real one. He gently runs his fingers over the bandages that cover the area it was attached at. "Thank you, but until I can get back on my feet I don't deserve his affection. I need to be the best I can be for him, but I can't do that until I master the use of this new limb."

Rouge nods. "I understand how you feel. I don't deserve to be the captain until I get out of this funk I've been it. I need to retake my life back and get strong again." She determinedly says. "So what do you say, Makoto? Care to be my sparing partner?" She smirks over at him.

Rouge's mental state was still fragile, but she was determined to dig herself out of the hole she fell in. She needed to have control, to prove to herself and everyone else that she was the captain for a reason. She needed to get strong so this would never happen again. She can't let her family down again.

Makoto looks at her and nods, he sticks his hand out to her and they clasp each other's forearm. "Let's do this." Makoto says. They grin at each other with a new found determination. Together they would get out of their funk.

Soon they were back on their feet, sparing and training every chance they got. Their spars always ended in a tie, but they enjoyed it because no one else on the ship could keep up with either of them when it came to sparring or any type of strength or endurance exercise.

When they made port at any islands they came across, the two would take off running, trying to out run the other, but again it ended in a tie. The two of them were evenly matched across the board. They both were very competitive, trying to one up the other. They both had grown stronger and a lot more confident.

As time passed, their bond continued to grow and get stronger. They had become an unstoppable duo.

One day they came back, covered in sweat and big grins as they teased each other. Makoto happened to notice Rosi with his nose in a book, studying. He wanted to refresh his knowledge of surgery. He was determined to become more confident with those skills. Makoto smiles toward the man, coming to a decision in his head. Tonight was the night.


It was later that evening when Rosi made his way back to their bedroom. Once he opened the door to his room, he freezes upon seeing Makoto dressed in a tux. Rosi's eyes hungrily raked over his fiancé's form. "Makoto, I'm not complaining, but why are you so dressed up?"

Makoto smiles at his fiancé. "You said you wanted to see me in a tux. So here I am."

"Okay, but why?" Rosi asks him.

"Well I was thinking...Let's get married." Makoto says seriously.

"You already asked me that remember?" Rosi wiggles the finger with the ring on it.

Makoto chuckles. "Yes, but I meant now. Tonight. There's a little chapel on this island that is open 24 hours. I talked to the Chaplin earlier today. Marry me tonight, Rosinante D Portgas."

Rosi's eyes watered up as he rush over and throws his arms around Makoto's neck, kissing him. "Yes! I would love to marry you tonight." He happily cried tears of joy. "Though I don't have anything fancy to wear like you." He said with a pout.

Makoto grins "I got that covered." He then whispered in a husky seductive voice, "Though I would prefer you not to be in anything." He squeezed Rosi's ass.

Rosi blushes. "Save that for the wedding night." He playfully slapped Makoto's hands away from his butt.

Makoto kisses Rosi again before going to his closet, pulling out a very nice white suit for his fiancé soon to be Husband.


After most of the crew went to bed, Makoto and Rosi snuck onto the deck hand in hand. They were dressed and ready for their wedding. They couldn't stop smiling at one another as they approached the edge of the ship. A throat clears from off to the side. "Where are you two going dressed like that?"

They slowly turned to see Umiko exiting her greenhouse. The two shared a look before looking back at their navigator. Rosi grins. "We're going to get married." He excitedly exclaims.

Umiko smiles warmly at them. "Congratulations. I'm happy for you, but you are aware mom's not going to be happy that you got married without telling her"

Rosi nods. "I know, but we can't wait any longer."

She nods with a smile. "I understand. Well, don't let me stop you."

Makoto hums. "You know, we technically need a witness. You wanna do the honors, Umi?" He asks. Rosi nods enthusiastically.

Umiko smiles brightly. "I would love to."


The three ran to the chapel and Makoto and Rosi tied the knot. The two stayed in an inn that night, consummating their marriage. Umiko went back to the ship.

The next morning they arrived back at the ship, smiling brightly at each other. They were husbands now. Rouge cleared her throat. "Where have you two been, hmm?"

Rosi beams at his sister. "We got married!"

Rouge grins widely. "Congratulations. That does call for a celebration, does it not? It won't be big, but we should still celebrate." Rouge just wanted any excuse to eat and party.

Rouge calls out to Elijah to prepare for a feast. The crew cheers excitedly for a party as they congratulate the happy newly wedded couple.

Rosi nods happily. Makoto just smiles down at him. He was also very happy.

Ed clears his throat. "Congrats guys, but mom is not going to be happy." He says, trying to hide the slight sadness in his eyes. "I wouldn't want to be you when you tell her." He tries to joke, laughing as Rosi sticks his tongue out.

Ed walks away, leaning on the ship railing, off to himself as he watched everyone celebrate. He feels his heart clench as he watches his siblings all dance and make merry with their partners.

Rouge noticed Ed was off by himself. She knew he wasn't a fan of parties or crowds. He gets that from their pops. She could tell something was wrong as she politely excused herself and made her way over to him.

She leaned her back against the railing next to Ed, so she still had a good view of the party. "Want to tell me what's wrong?" It was more a statement than a question.

He sighs. "Rouge....It doesn't really matter. Yes, I'm still single. Does it hurt when I look at almost all my siblings with their significant others? Yes. Does it hurt to think I might never find anybody? Yes. Do I think I am going to? No. I get I'm still young, but even our little sisters found someone before us. I happy for all of them, don't get me wrong, but it just makes my chest hurt."

Rouge sighs. "Look, Eddy. I'm sure you'll find your partner, one day. There's still plenty of time. There's plenty of birds in the sky in this big world of ours. You are bound to meet them one day."

"If they will even give me the time of day. No woman has ever looked twice at me." He sighs again. "I haven't even had my first kiss, for crying out loud." He looks away, embarrassed by his admission. Why was he so lame? That's probably why he was single, the women could tell he was very lame.

Rouge sighs. "It's their loss. You are an amazing person. Smart, loyal, kind, handsome. Beside the freckles, you are the spitting image of Papa. They don't deserve you anyways. The point is, you shouldn't give up."

Ed shrugs. "I'm going to go to bed, okay?" He pushes off the rail and heads into his room. He knows she is trying to help, but he just didn't feel like it was helpful.

Rouge sighs yet again as she turns to look out at the ocean. "I wish you could find your special one soon. I don't want you to be lonely either."

The Requirements for Legacy (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now