Rescuing Makoto

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The storm continues on as Rouge stared at the place Makoto fell into the water. She was waiting for him to resurface, but he never did. "We need to get out of this storm." Umiko yelled over the storm. Rouge glares at the ocean. Lami walks over and turns her sister to face her. "The ship will not survive if we stay here." She growls out. That seemed to snap Rouge back to reality. She quickly started barking orders

"Rosi, Ed take Ace to the med bay. Umiko get us out of here." Umiko nods and continues to steer east, away from where Makoto fell into the ocean. The water was churning and waves were crashing against the ship.

Before long they exit the storm into the calm sunlight. Rosi comes back on deck after a moment, searching for his boyfriend for he was unaware he never made it back on the ship. Rouge growls as she slammed her fist down on the railing. Curses left her lips. They had lost one of their crew mates. "Umiko" she yelled.

The navigator quickly rushes over to her sister. "Y-yes?"

"How long until that storm passes?"

"Within the hour." Her little sister informed her.

"How many islands are in the area?" Rouge growls out.

"There are two." Rosi looks at his sister.

"Rouge...did we not get Makoto back on the ship?" She looks at her brother, trying to keep calm for him.

"We will find him, don't worry."

"Unless he drown." Lami says. Rosi shook his head.

"He won't drown."

"Rosi that storm was...."

"No! He won't drown. Trust me...he didn't drown."

Rouge nods. "Crew, we are splitting into two search parties. One for each island. We will find our missing crew member."

Ace came back on deck. "I want to help. He saved me." Rouge walked over and held his shoulders looking him in the eyes searching for something. She sighs before she nods. She let go of him before turning to bark more orders.

"Ace, you are the head of the second team, take Ed and a couple more people with you. Rosi, you are with me. Umiko, you are in charge till we get back."

Umiko nods. "Of course."

Rouge points at a couple of people. "You two are with me."

They nod. "Yes, Captain!"

Ace nods. "Ichiro, Jiro. You two wanna come with me?" The princes agree. They drop Rouge off with her team on the first island and sail away to the second island to drop Ace's team off. Rouge closes her eyes as soon as their feet touch the ground.

She released her observation haki seeing if she could find any signs of their crew mate. She sighs when she couldn't pick anything up. Rosi's hands were shaking, but he tried to hide it and stay alert in case any sign of his boyfriend appeared.

Rouge reached over and took his shaking hands in hers. "We will find him." She told him before looking at the other two men with them. "Alright start looking for any signs of a body or where a body could have been." They all nod as they spread out to search the beach around the island. Rouge, like her mother, was an excellent hunter and tracker. Because of this she was the first one to find signs of a body imprint in the sand, and that it crawled inland. "Rosi!" She calls out. "I found something."

Rosi runs over to her. They slowly follow the trail until the lose it at the entrance of a cave. "Makoto?" Rosi calls into the cave. No response.

Rouge then points out. "There's blood." Rosi nods, even more worried now. The two slowly enter the cave to find Makoto out cold on the ground. Rosi quickly rushes to his boyfriend. He did a quick check and sighs in relief. He was still alive, but he had a wound on his head that had dried up, but was still fresh. Rouge knelt on the other side of the taller man. "He must have hit his head when he got knocked back into the water."

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