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Rosi is shouting at the top of his lungs for help as he pulls rock after rock away. He couldn't find his boyfriend. Tears clouded his vision as he struggled to pull a very large rock away. He had to find him! He knew he was still alive and needed his help. "Help me please! Anyone!" He yells as his tears continue. Soon his fingers started to bleed at his tearing at the rocks.

A second set of hands appear, pulling the rocks off a lot easier than him. He looks up to see his big brother yanking the rocks away. His tears run anew as he continues removing rocks until finally, they uncover Makoto. Because of the fight and the rocks he had lots of bruises and cuts, probably several broken bones, but the worst by far was his leg.

Rosi quickly gets to work trying to stop the bleeding before they try to move him. He sniffles as he tries to stop crying. He needed his papa or Ed. They could perform surgery on him and save his boyfriend. He didn't have the skill to perform it on his own.

He looks over at his brother with pleading eyes. "Please, help me get him back to the ship. I can't carry him by myself. Papa or Ed has to fix him." His voice shook, still scared for his man.

Ace nods. "Don't worry, little brother. I got him." Ace gently lifted the large raven haired man up into his arms with ease. "Let's hurry back." With that the two rushed back to the ship. Ace was trying the best he could not to jar Makoto too much, while also trying his best to reassure Rosi that Makoto was going to be okay. Ace sighs in relief with their ship was within their sights now. "We have a medical emergency!" Ace shouted, grabbing the crews' attention.

Rosi opens the door to their med bay. Ed wasn't here. Rosi looked around at the crew frantically. "Where is Ed? Or maybe Papa? I need at least one of them!" The crew shook their heads.

"They both left a few minutes ago. Captain had not come back yet so they went looking for her." Rosi's heart dropped. Ace gently placed Makoto down on one of the beds. Before turning to look at his little brother, placing his hands on both of his shoulders.

"Rosi, you need to do it. Makoto needs you. You are just as capable as Papa and Ed. You just need to have more confidence in your skills." Rosi swallows thickly as he looks over at his boyfriend.

"I've never attempted surgery without one of them with me! I'm going to mess up if I try by myself!" He didn't want to screw it up.

"They aren't here. You have to do it or Makoto will die." Ace tells him. Rosi shakily looks over at his boyfriend. He nods as he goes to wash his hands and put on his sterile gear.

"I need you to cut his clothes off for me, Ace. You aren't sterile so you can do that. I will need your assistance with this whole thing." Ace nods as he lost all of his charming persona, taking on a more serious side of his self that was rare to see. His brother needed him to be.

"Of course. Just tell me what to do." Ace quickly removed Makoto's clothes and tossed them in a waste bin. There was no saving them anyways. Ace followed everything Rosi told him to do. He wanted him to know he wasn't alone in this. He just prayed his twin was in better condition than their first mate.

Rosi focused on the steps instead of who he was performing surgery on. He worked on the leg first, making sure everything was right. It had been a very jagged cut and he needed a blood transfusion, too. Rosi hooked up some blood bags of the proper blood and then cleaned and stitched up all the minor cuts after he finished cauterizing the leg. Makoto had lost so much blood that he had flat lined once or twice in the process of fixing him. It was getting harder to keep his emotions in checked as he worked. He had to cut into the man he loved to remove a broken rib from Makoto's lung. He went through, putting shattered bones together and putting things that had strayed too far from their normal spot back into place.

The Requirements for Legacy (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now