End of an Era

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It had been a month since the Legacy crew parted ways with their navigator and her husband. The really did miss her. Jiro had started learning from her before she left and had taken to it well, becoming almost as good as she was. He was very dedicated to the role.


Everything seemed to be sailing smoothly when a storm came out of nowhere. It did not feel very natural. The air felt full of static. Makoto looked around uneasily. "Jiro! Get the captain. This is a bad storm, but something isn't right. I should have sensed it before it hit."  Jiro nods are runs to find Rouge.  A giant wave came out of nowhere and slammed into the side of the ship. "Pull in the sails! Brace yourselves! I don't know what we are in for!" Makoto shouts, fear creeping up. "Get the children below!" Lami nods and immediately takes her son and his daughter below deck.

Rouge was in her office when Jiro barged in. "Hey, have you heard of knocking?" She scolds.

Jiro sighs. "Sorry captain, but we need you on deck. A strange storm showed up out of nowhere. Even Makoto didn't sense it." He explains.

She nods as she stood up. "Get to your station. Look for a way out. Quickly." She ordered. He nods and quickly took off. Rouge threw her coat back onto her shoulders and rushed to the deck. "We are being attacked, everyone prepare for battle immediately!" She ordered as her crew did as she said.

"Captain, any clue who this is?" Makoto asked.

She growls. "An old enemy of my parents. I recognize this from my mother's stories from when we were growing up. This isn't good for us."

Makoto nods. "What are your orders?" He quickly steered the ship away from another wave. "We aren't going to last through too much of this."

"We need to get out of here and fast. This is a battle we can't win yet. Sure my parents didn't struggle, but it wasn't an easy win." Makoto and Jiro worked together to try to find a way out, but it was all in vain. The static electricity in the air was throwing off all the compasses. They were sitting ducks and no way out as soon as the wind disappeared. Rouge growls. "They're here." As soon as the words left her mouth, their ship started getting attacked.

The enemy started flooding their ship as the Legacy pirates fought back. "Don't let them get the upper hand!" She shouted as she clashed with the enemy. She was not going to lose anyone today. Makoto narrowly dodged a punch from a portal behind him, dropping and sweeping a leg quickly. The man portaled away with laughter floating in the air.

"Jiro take the helm, but be aware of your surroundings." Makoto says calmly. Jiro nods and does so. Makoto managed to knock Ace out of the way before he got hit, barely dodging it himself as another one appeared.

"Where are they?" Ace shouted as he and Makoto stood back to back.

Rouge growls. "Take that damn portal user out!" She shouts as she wasn't faring any better than her brothers. She was relying heavily on her haki to help pinpoint them. She cursed when more of her crew were knocked out of the fight. They need to hurry and end this.

Ace and Makoto fought well together, making sure they had each other's backs through all of this. Ed and Rosi were locked in a sword fight as they try to keep Jiro safe as he tried to navigate their ship through this mess.

Rouge was in a brawl with this strange person. The air around them was not right. They were the cause of this abnormal storm for sure. The portal guy must have been how they were able to sneak up on them. She tried to avoid him directly touching her.

Rouge fought well against her opponent, managing to barely get the upper hand, slashing through his chest and watching him fall just as she hears Ed scream his brother's name. She quickly turns and sees Ed defending himself and Rosi, very close to faltering.

She feels something touch her leg, quickly turning to see the man she had thought she had beaten. She slashed him quickly again, ending him before running to her brothers. The enemy had made a portal behind him as he shoved Ed towards it.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion. Rouge rushed forward as fast as she could go. Her body started feeling weird, but she ignored it as she just barely pushed Ed away. This of course made the enemy push her inside into the portal.

Ed eyes widen in terror as he tried to grab for his sister, but he was too late. The portal closed with his sister inside. The look of fear in her eyes was the last thing he saw of her. He fell to his knees in shock of what just happened. His sister, his captain sacrificed herself to save him.

With one Devil fruit user killed, the crew was able to push back, winning the battle, but at what cost? A laugh filled the air drawing attention to the very wounded portal jumper. Makoto growls. "What are you laughing about? You lost."

He smirks. "Did I? Did you really win? Where's that pretty little red head captain of yours, hmmmm?" Everyone started looking around and true to the man's words, Rouge was no where to be seen.

Ed slowly walks over with his head down. "She saved my life and she was pushed into a portal because of me." He whispered. He blamed himself for this. If only he was stronger.

The man laughs some more as he coughed up blood. Makoto growls as he grabs the man by the front of his ripped shirt, lifting him off the ground. "Where is she? What did you do to her?"

The man laughs again. "You'll never find her." The man said one last time before dying.

Makoto yells as he throws the man's corpse into the ocean, anger rising. "Jiro, take us to the next island. We start looking there. Ace, inform your parents so they can start looking too. She has to be somewhere." Makoto looked out at the ocean. "Where are you, Rouge?"   

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