Baby Fever

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Rosi was playing with André on deck, giving his parents a break for a little bit. Rosi laughs as André chases him around deck. André jumps into him, knocking him over. "Hey, easy. You are pretty strong for a little guy." André laughs as Rosi tickles him. Soon Lami came and got him. Before they left André turned around to smile at Rosi. "Lub you."

Rosi smiles brightly at how adorable his little nephew was. It just made him really want a child of his own. "Love you, too, bud!" Rosi says as he watched André leave with his sister, with a look of longing.

He knew it would be impossible to have an actual baby with Makoto since both of them were males, but that didn't stop his longing for one. He mopes around for the rest of the day and as the days passed, Rosi's longing only grew. He decided to discuss it with Makoto.

"I want a baby." He blurted. Makoto looks up at him.

"We are both guys, Rose, but I guess there is always adoption. I wouldn't mind raising a child with you."

Rosi pouts as he shook his head. "I want one of our own. Our DNA." He stubbornly says.

Makoto cups Rosi's face. "I would love nothing more than to give what you want, but we don't have the right parts to do so." Rosi looks down sadly. He really wanted a child with their DNA in them. Makoto sighs, never liking to see sadness on his husband's face. "Maybe we can find someone who is willing to have our baby for us? You know, carry it and everything." He suggests to his husband. He just wanted his Rose to be happy. He was willing to do what ever it took.

Rosi thought for a minute. "Who would we even ask to do so?"

Makoto shrugs. "Maybe one of your sisters would be willing to help us?" Upon seeing Rosi's confusion he continued. "Obviously you can't provide DNA with your sisters, but....I can."

"You want to sleep with my sisters?" Rosi was confused.

"Rose, I'm gay. I'm not sleeping with your sisters. However, your papa should be able to help with insemination."
Rosi's eyes lit up. "Oh yeah! I forgot about that." He quickly frowns. Which sister would even agree to this? "I guess we can go talk to them."

Makoto nods. "That is the only way I can see us having a child that would share my DNA and part of yours." It took Rosi the rest of the day to build up the courage to talk to his sisters about this. Lucky for him, all three just so happens to be sitting together on the deck, chatting away.

Rosi walked up to them, rubbing his neck. "Hey, I have a question for all of you. Uhm.....Makoto and I were talking and we decided we want a baby. Makoto suggested adoption, but I want one with our DNA so I was wondering if one of you would carry a baby for us? Obviously you won't have to sleep with Makoto. Pop can help."

Lami shakes her head immediately. "Rosi, I love you. I really do, but there no way in hell I will ever have another baby." She refused. Rosi nods, understanding. He knew that would be her answer. He looks hopeful over at Umiko.

She looks at him sadly. "I would love to help you, Rosi, but I'm on birth control for a reason. With how my husband is, I would end up pregnant with his child before I would be able to carry one for you." She apologizes to him.

Rosi looks down sadly. That's it. He wasn't going to be able to have a child of his own. Rouge sighs. "I'll do it." She volunteered. This of course shocked her two sisters and even Rosi. He didn't think his big sister would actually want to do this. She wasn't one to want children or even be pregnant. She was very vocal about it when they were all younger.

He looked up at her with confusion and hope. "Really? You would do that? I thought you said you never wanted to have kids?" He couldn't believe she was the one to offer. Rouge smiles at him.

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