Accidentally in love

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(The French was translated by google. I apologize in advance if it is wrong)

Lami growls, not happy with the crew that kept damaging her ship. Can't they go at least one day without people breaking her?

The Crew avoided the steaming shipwright. No one wanted to be on the receiving end of her wrath. Many learned that lesson the hard way.


Jiro just finished his chores, looking over he noticed Lami's soured mood. He made up his mind after a moment and walked over to her. "Do you need some help? I uh...don't know what you're doing, but I can try to help."

Lami's head quickly snapped in his direction as she snarled. "Help? You wouldn't know the first thing to help me, with those pretty boy hands of yours." Jiro feels a bit hurt, but he knows he deserves it.

"Fair enough." He nods and starts to walk away, but pauses for a moment. "For the record, I'm sorry. We never should have meddled where we shouldn't have. Ichiro may not feel the same, but I am sorry." His eyes conveyed the genuineness of his words as he turns away. Jiro stops again. No, he's not going to take her lashing out at him. He turns back to face her. "Actually...who are you to say what I can and can't do? Screw your assumptions."

Lami huffs looking away. "You are still an idiot. Both of you really upset my sister. I can't forgive you for that. You two know nothing about us or even how to run a ship properly. Did you really expect us to accept little no bodies like you?" She growls out. She wasn't in the mood today, even more so for this prick and his brother. Deep down she was touched he actually meant his apology, but her mouth loved to smart off.

Sometimes Lami wishes more of her Papa came out of her than her Dad. "Nobodies? And who the hell are you? I've never heard of you. You're supposed to be big bad pirates, but I've never seen a wanted poster with your face on it, your highness." He mocks.

Her eye twitches as she drops what she was holding and marches up to him with a dangerous growl. She pokes his chest hard and got in this face. "I don't know who you think you are, but I am so done with that mouth of yours. You always act all high and mighty, but you are just a little boy running from home with his tail in between his legs. Man up and get over yourself." She yelled at him. "I might not have my face plastered everywhere, since I prefer my solitude away from prats like you."

He grins. "Ah so you're antisocial! Little introvert too scared to put her name into the world. Its okay."

"It's for safety of people like you so I won't shred them to pieces with their stupid fancy words." She spat, jabbing her finger harder into his chest. "Why would I want my face out there anyways? My parents have their faces everywhere, that is enough for me." She smirks. "You really are dumb if you didn't recognize my last name, prat." She looked as if his very existence offends her.

"Only a spoiled child would rely on their parents' names to take them somewhere." Jiro says into her ear. Why was he enjoying this back and forth so much?

She shivered when she felt his breath on her neck. Why was she reacting this way? What was she even upset about? What was it about him that made her want to verbally attack him and why was she enjoying it? Lami was confused, but she hid it. She laughed dryly. "I'm the spoiled one? Don't make me laugh, little princeling. The only spoiled one is you." She sneered at him. "I know who I am and what I am capable of. Do you?" She taunts.

"Oh I know who I am. Doesn't mean I like it." He pulls away from her. "Well since you obviously don't need any help.... I will leave you to it, grease monkey." Lami threw a wrench at his retreating form.

"And proud, asshole." She huffed turning her back to him. "I don't need your help anyways." She picked up what she dropped and went back to her previous task. She was somehow more relaxed and in a better mood.

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