Pregnancy Troubles and Commitments

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It had been 5 months since the whole ordeal with the princelings' kingdom. That meant Lami was also five months along. Her belly was now visible. She was upset when Ed and Rosi said she was not allowed to do any shipwright duties. Rouge temporarily took them over since she is the only one besides Lami that knew how to do it and Makoto took on some of the Captain's duties to help Rouge out.

She was getting stir crazy. She was so used to doing something, that not doing something was torture. Anytime Jiro saw something that needed to be done, be it for Lami or the baby, he attempted to do it for her, but she quickly pushed him away and did it herself. She claimed he wouldn't do it right. He growls in frustration, not knowing what to do to help her, when she wouldn't let him help.

This had gone on for several months and Jiro was beyond frustrated. What is the point of him being here if she wouldn't let him do anything for her or their baby? He decided to confront her about it after 5 months of enduring this.

Just when he was opening the door he heard cursing, followed by a loud shout as she threw what ever was in her hands away from her causing it to hit the wall. "Why can't I put this stupid thing together? It's not supposed to be this hard! A ship is so much easier." She sobbed. She hated crying but this baby was making her feel so weak and useless.

He studied her a moment before clearing his throat. "Lami? You need some help with that?" He asked as he had just heard her griping about it.

"No! I can do it myself." She snaps.

He growls. "Well great! I'll just leave at the next island then. Obviously you don't need me for anything! What am I still doing here, right?" She freezes before looking up at him with her tear stained eyes. They were super red and puffy, making it obvious she had been crying for a while.

"I..... what....?" She could barely get words out through her sobs. "Don't go." She stumbled to her feet as she stumbled her way over to him, wrapping her arms around him. "I'm sorry..... don't leave me." She was so frustrated with herself and scared of messing things up, she didn't realize she had been pushing him away.

"I don't want to leave you, but every time I try to help you, you push me away and tell me that I'll do it wrong. I don't know what else to do, Lami. I can't carry the baby for you. You won't let me do the only thing I know how to do. What do you want from me?" His voice cracked with a sob as he wrapped his arms around her as well.

She sniffled "I.... I know I have been an ass to you this entire time. I was so frustrated with things and so focused on myself that I was pushing you and everyone else away. What's the point of a shipwright if I can't build a stupid crib? I'm a mess and I can't keep doing this alone." She looks up at him with pleading, teary eyes. "Please help me." She meant with more than just the crib.

Jiro sighs. "That's all I want to do, Lami. I want to help you any way I can. Just tell me what you need." He blinks away his own tears to place his full attention on her. She sniffles as she pointed at all the pieces on the ground.

"Stupid crib needs to be built. It so complicated." He smiles at her before kissing her head.

"Sure." He bends down and picks up the pieces, starting to put them together. "You wanna hold this for me?" He holds up the side. She nods and holds it up. They worked together and were able to put it together. Lami grins excitedly.

"It's finally together!" She cheers. "Take that you dumb baby bed." Jiro smiles at the excitement she showed. She then grins at him. "I have another project you could help me with."

"Anything. Pour toi, j'irais au bout du monde (for you, I would go to the ends of the world)." Jiro smiles at her expectantly. "I would move the sun for you, Mon Amour (my love)."

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